Student of the Week Awards 

Foundation - Jude Robinson

For your amazing efforts during the Three Billy Goats Gruff performance! Jude, your enthusiasm and acting skills stole the show. Well done!




Grade 1/2 K- Kindred Smith- Oppenheim

For showing excellence in both Writing and Maths this week. Kindred, your Ode to Watermelon was written beautifully. I especially enjoyed your tier 2 words. In Maths, you challenged yourself by not only calculating the total of multiple items, but you also expanded on your knowledge by giving the correct change. Keep up the great work!


Grade 1/2 S- Caleb Riodran 

For the positive contributions you've made to class discussions. Caleb, it has been wonderful to see your confidence blossom this week as you proactively shared your valuable responses, thoughts and ideas to whole class discussions, particularly when learning about money in Maths, keep up the amazing efforts!




Grade 1/2 B- Emerson Mellors   

For locking into your learning and demonstrating excellence in all areas of learning. You have shown persistence with your writing and were focused to produce an amazing Ode to Watermelon. You have shown enthusiasm while working with money in Maths. Keep up the great work Emerson!   


Grade 1/2 D- Charlie Duff

For your very enthusiastic writing of your Ode to Watermelon. Charlie, you have been a focussed and responsible learning in our room this week and we are very proud of your efforts. You have demonstrated our school value of Excellence, keep up the great work!



Grade 3/4 M- Zephyr Renall

For the way you have shown responsibility and excellence. This week it has been fantastic to see you taking care of our classroom and lending a helping hand. In Maths, you challenged yourself to multiply larger numbers by a single digit and showed great persistence and focus. Keep it up, Zephyr!



Grade 3/4 R (Formally 3/4 S)- Otto Henry 

Persistence and growth mindset towards maths this week. Well done Otto on working hand to solve multiplication questions using a range of strategies this week. It was super to see you giving every strategy a red-hot go! 


Grade 3/4 N- Archie Sands

You always come into our room each day with energy and enthusiasm that is contagious to all. you are willing to give a red hot go and always accept challenges with an amazing growth mindset. your research and paraphrasing this week have been exceptional. Archie, you are also becoming a multiplication whizz. Well done on all your efforts. Keep up the great work Archie!


Grade 3/4 B- Lana Tupas

The fantastic effort that you have applied to your inquiry wondering this week.  It has been great to see you using a range of strategies to paraphrase your facts and to see you planning your authentic action for the end of the term.  I can’t wait to see the finished product!  Well done, legend!


Grade 5/6 J- Caleb Marios

For his outstanding effort during Maths this week. Caleb, you have embraced the challenge of learning about angles and have applied your understanding when creating an amazing shop front design. Keep kicking goals, Caleb! 



Grade 5/6 A- Ramon Harman

For giving his best in every task this week. He confidently contributes his ideas to the class discussions and group work and is taking on new learning challenges. You show determination in all your learning. Keep up the super work!


Grade 5/6 P- Max Thomas

Is for creating an outstanding explanation writing piece on how the housing crisis has occurred. Max, it has been great to see you showcase your worldly knowledge to your fellow peers in an informative written piece of work. Keep up the great work legend!



Japanese: Student of the week: Max Whitla in 5/6J

For the enthusiasm and uniqueness, you bring to your Japanese learning. Max, you always take the initiative to learn new things in Japanese and listen carefully to feedback about grammar and pronunciation. It’s wonderful to see how curious you are about adding to your Japanese vocabulary and to hear you using your Japanese outside of the classroom too. Keep up the interesting conversations!

Performing Arts: Class of the Week- 3/4S

For doing an amazing job rapping Waltzing Matilda, coming out of your comfort zone and embracing different kinds of performance.


Physical Education: Student of the Week- Jackson Orchard

For being an absolute legend and a very courageous risk taker! this student declared that they intended to NEVER attempt to kick a football ever again in their life... they also went on to kick some amazing drop punts! well done Jacko! I'm so proud of you!