Office News 

Permissions | Payment Info

Overwhelmingly, SENTRAL is providing the school with an excellent platform to coordinate the administrative needs of a busy school and communicate with our families. 


As we access more features of the platform we are uncovering more exciting benefits and quickly educate ourselves on how to overcome challenges and glitches. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate this new technology. 

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ 1 | I have given consent for my child to attend an activity, and indicated to pay by via CSEF , B'Pay or Bank Account - why does it still how "Requiring Action" ?  


If you indicated payment for Activities via CSEF , B'Pay , School Account,  there will be a delay in the notice changing from "Requiring Action" to PAID.  Be assured that your payment preference has been received. Office staff are required to make these changes manually and may take up to 3-5 days to action and for you to see the PAID update. 


"Requiring Action" on your SENTRAL Activity Permission will not prevent you from SUBMIT of Consent forms. 


If you are paying via SENTRAL Pay (Direct Debit/Credit Card) there is no delay in PAID being applied to your child's Activity.  


FAQ 2 | I wish to contribute $15 to the Japanese Day (Voluntary Curriculum Contribution ) but wasn't given an option of BPay or School Account credit?


Due to how  voluntary curriculum contribution request are set up in  SENTRAL,  the Japanese Day request for $15 does will not show the ability to pay via BPay or School Account  Credit only Sentral Pay (Debit / Credit Card) shows as an option. 


If you wish to contribute $15 via B'Pay or use your school account credit , please send a short email to confirming we can deduct $15 from your account for a voluntary contribution (JAPANESE DAY.)


The Arts Showcase voluntary curriculum contribution request of $25 will be sent out via SENTRAL shortly.


NB: CSEF cannot be used for any voluntary curriculum contributions. 


FAQ 3 | On Sentral permissions, I see a "School Account" option. What is it and how do I set one up? 


To assist families manage payments towards extra curricular activities,  the school invites families to set up an payment arrangements via small, regular B'Pay payments.  


In time, these regular BPay payments build into an family statement 'credit'. When permissions are sent home you can select Option 4 ) School Account which will allow us to deduct funds from 'credit's you may have on your family statement. 


This is a popular choice amongst families particularly those with multiple children at the school. 


Please contact Penny Kaletsch (Business Manager) for a confidential conversation if you wish to make this arrangement with the school. Email : or call 5332 1301. 

Parent Policy Information.