Stephanie Alexander Garden 


Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden with 3/4C

The Autumn weather is upon us and the beautiful St Mark’s trees are in full colour.  Nature’s confetti has surrounded the front of the school and all students (young and old) are embracing the chance to throw the leaves into the air and watch them fall.  Our gardening students have used this time to rake up the excess and use them as mulch around the plants and trees in the orchard. 


In the kitchen, the students have been enjoying making a variety of meals.  This week we made Cauliflower and Potato soup, Capsicum dip, Winter salad and Bread rolls.  We have had two weeks of harvesting beetroot which we made into a bright pink dip last week and then into our salad this week.  We have also harvested potatoes, silverbeet, mint, parsley and lettuce which we have used in the last fortnight.  


Thank you so much for the parents of 3/4C who have stepped up and made a huge difference in volunteering for this class.  We have had regular help which has made the kitchen session run smoothly and on time.  These wonderful people have been Ros (Zoe’s Mum), Tash (Quade’s Mum), Julie (Hayden’s Mum), Milena (Joseph's Mum), Lisa (Josie’s Mum), Nellie (Christian’s Mum), Frank (Louis’ Dad) and Elizabeth (Oscar’s Mum).  We love your enthusiasm and your confidence with the students. If you would like to help 3/4C they have two more weeks of the program. 


Have a great week!

Mrs Tammie Siegert



Student Reflections:

Today I made the salad and in the salad there was beetroot but it got all over my hand and arm.  I also did the grading and cut my hand but I'm ok. By Sofia


I got consumed by the dough again. I completed my STEM task. I poured some honey into a bowl. By Nick


In cooking I made a salad with peas and beetroot and lots of things that smelled disgusting and yummy . Sophia cut herself two times!!!!!!!   By Yasmin


Today I made the main meal, tomatoes and I made soup. The soup looked so yummy, Josie and I were soup whilst it was boiling and it smelt so yum. I was also cutting potatoes. It was really hard.  Today I had a blast. By Mali

Today we cooked. We had an amazing day! We made dip,bread rolls,and salad. I am getting better at grating and peeling. We had so much fun! I can't wait to eat our food! By Juliana


Today my favourite thing we did or what I learned was chopping up the colliflower because it was my first time. And I learnt how to rake properly. By Xavier


Today I made the main meal. Also my mum came too. We had to grate cheese and zucchini. Cooking the food was fun and it also got a bit messy. By Joseph


Today we are eating potato soup. I think I'm getting better at cutting. I'm so excited to eat!!! By Josie

How to cut potatoes. How to make potato cauliflower soup. How to peel potatoes. By Oscar


Today my mum was here AGAIN. I am so happy. We made bread rolls.The main meal is Cauliflower soup.  Ps I can’t wait to try the bread and the main meal. By Zoe 


Today we made a dip. I was helping Bosco and Ethan cut carrots. Niki Sensei was the adult. It was fun but I cut my finger accidentally but im ok.The dip was made of greek yoghurt and beetroot. By Hayden


I enjoyed making the main meal. It was really fun. I really enjoyed making it. Now I’m really confident to do more cooking. By Louis D

Today I was consumed by dough again. I also did stem which was what materials were made of.  I loved putting the honey in the bowl because it is so satisfying. Am also getting better at mixing stuff.  By Hieu


Today my favourite thing we did or what I learned was chopping up the colliflower because it was my first time. And I learnt how to rake properly.  By Xavier


Today I was baking pear muffins. I had to peel and cut the pear in little pieces then Mel added flour, caster sugar, milk ,olive oil then I added the pears then I mixed it all together and added more pear and mixed more. We got baking trays and and muffins tins and put the batter in the tins and baked them  Garding we pick some cucumber and lettuce and some silverbeet but i was all eater by bugs after that we didn't work in the garden we work in front of the office to rack the leaves then picked then up and put them in the wheelbarrow.  By Gabby


I made the salad. I cut capsicum and grated cheese. The food I made was {Greek Salad}. I can’t wait to eat the delicious salad. It had lettuce, grated cheese, capsicum, cucumber and tomato. It looks so delicious and yummy. By Brayden

Today my group made the pear muffins, and the feeling of the muffins without the skin was icky,sticky,slippery And disgusting. So chopping them up was hard for me and so was putting the scraps in the compost. I did not like it.  By Christian


Today I made seasonal fruit muffins. I learned how to peel pear. In gardening I raked the leaves. It was really fun. By Livansh


This week my mum came and I was doing the bread and I was also doing the garden.   We pulled out some cucumbers. By Quade


I learned how to peel the pears and how to pour mixture into the tray.  I'm excited for the yummy food everyone prepared!  By Jemma