Student Awards - Term 2

"Keep On Keeping On"
FOUNDATION B - Daisy A for being so tolerant in class and for her forgiving nature. It's also lovely to see how she is always willing to help people around her. Well done Daisy.
FOUNDATION B - Olive B for For her persistence with reading and for putting in the best effort for drawing the responses to the text in UFLI . Great job!
FOUNDATION G - Bailey M for working really hard to produce his best work and for not giving up when things get tough. Well done, Bailey!
FOUNDATION G - Angela S for transitioning more independently into her school day and for helping out her peers. Well done, Angela!
FOUNDATION L - Shanaya R for getting into the spirit of ‘Crazy Socks Day’ and tapping into her sense of creativity to customise super crazy socks.
FOUNDATION L - Luke V for showing persistence and patience when learning his letters, sounds and numbers.
YEAR 1/2E - Joel T for listening attentively during writing time and contributing interesting facts about animals we are researching for our information reports.
YEAR 1/2E - Moksh D for showing focus during literacy lessons and confidently explaining the sound rules we are learning.
YEAR 1/2PH - Sienna J for being very respectful to others during conversations.
YEAR 1/2PH - Thalia L for using kind words when she speaks to teachers and friends.
YEAR 1/2D - Eden S for displaying persistence and dedication when completing learning tasks!
YEAR 1/2D - William L for displaying dedication to learning tasks and persistence when learning something new.
YEAR 1/2K - Darek C for working hard to complete challenging Math problems and sharing his understanding with the group. Well done Darek!
YEAR 1/2K - Kelly V for persisting with learning new sounds and transferring your understanding to writing tasks.
YEAR 1/2M - Layla C for effectively communicating her ideas with the class and for being an active listener during class discussions.
YEAR 1/2M - Wilson N for persevering and working hard on your writing tasks. You have made amazing progress and should be so proud of yourself!
YEAR 1/2FM - Alek T for communicating effectively and asking questions during group discussions to consolidate his understanding. Well done Alek, you are a superstar! ⭐
YEAR 1/2FM - Marcello D for communicating effectively and asking questions during our group discussion in reading. Well done Mylo, you are a superstar! ⭐
YEAR 1/2FM - Clara N for maintaining a resilient and positive attitude when facing a challenge while learning. Well Done Clara! You are a superstar! ⭐
YEAR 3/4B - Jeremy C for consistently putting your best efforts into each task you take on. Keep working hard Jeremy!
YEAR 3/4B - Conrad S for being so helpful around the classroom and contributing to keeping the space organised by using your initiative to ask what needs doing!
YEAR 3/4C - Hayden L for persisting through challenges and striving for success. Keep it up Hayden!
YEAR 3/4S- Ethan P for showing persistence and determination in all aspects of his learning. Thank you Ethan for all your hard work!
YEAR 3/4S- Jacqueline D for the hard work and determination she has shown in her writing, by seeking feedback and making improvements to her explanation text. Well done Jacqueline!
YEAR 3/4KC- Anesh S for always being ready to learn and put a great deal of effort into all his school work.
YEAR 3/4KC- Whitney P for always perserving to achieve her goals by putting time and effort into all her schoolwork with great results.
YEAR 3/4M - Sienna B for always showing kindness and respect to her peers. You always put your hand up to help someone in need.
YEAR 3/4M - Ovindi D for creating a wonderful Seesaw post. You spoke so clearly and presented your information beautifully.
YEAR 5/6K - Ryan N for demonstrating persistence with your work and ensuring that you get the most out of every lesson. For showing engagement and trying your best. Well done.
YEAR 5/6K - Luke M for sharing your learning with the class and encouraging your friends to be their best. For being a leader within the school community. Well done, Luke!
YEAR 5/6MV - Nathaniel P for beginning to challenge yourself by contributing your opinion during class discussions. We love this, keep it up!
YEAR 5/6MV - Arthur T for the persistence he shows across all learning areas. Keep up the great work Arthur!
YEAR 5/6R - Marc C for demonstrating perseverance and persistence in the learning, exhibiting a strong work ethic in all subject. Keep up the awesome work Marc!
YEAR 5/6R - Rhiannon H for continuing to show perseverance and hard work in all areas of learning. Keep up the amazing work!
YEAR 5/6S - Alidiya T for demonstrating persistence and initiative in all aspects of her learning this term. Well done Alidiya!!
YEAR 5/6P - Ashton B for persisting and showing enthusiasm with his learning by completing great work and sharing his unique ideas. Keep it up Ashton!
YEAR 5/6P - Chloe R for her continual persistent effort that she puts into her learning across all areas of her schooling. Keep it up Chloe!