Year 6 Camp

We have begun Term 2 with a bang in Year 6! Last week we headed off to Woodman Point on Camp. Below are the students’ thoughts on the three days we spent together learning new skills and discovering that when we step outside out comfort zones we can achieve great things!

Zaria – On Wednesday, my group did an activity called Vertical Challenge inside a room called ‘The Cube’. We worked in teams to climb different types of ropes and…if we reached the top we had to ring the bell as loud as we could. As a team, we had to work together for the climber to reach the top and then trust that we would reach the ground safely again.

Nyuon – When we left school we went to a park in Fremantle called The Esplanade, we had recess and hung out there playing with our friends before we went to have lunch at Cicerello’s. It was very yummy, but we had to watch out for the Seagulls – they like to swoop in and steal food if you’re not careful.

Emmie – Three days of camp and three days of fun with my classmates. One of the activities was the Flying Fox. Everyone in my group found it lots of fun! Lots of people managed to do a trust fall where you jump off the platform backwards- so scary, but so cool. We also did lots of backflips as we zoomed through the air.

Alek M – Search and Rescue may have just been everyone’s favourite activity. During Search and Rescue we were given several clues by Mission Control to find the crashed helicopter. The most important thing was to not get caught by the enemy! If we were kidnapped our, team mates had to find us before carrying on with the mission. We had to make sure we listened to the warnings, but most of the time the groups didn’t believe them and fell for the trap.

Zaylee – One of my favourite activities on camp was the Catapults. As a team we worked together to build the catapult, and then the best part was launching the beanbags to see how far we could get.

Jaiteg – On Thursday morning we gathered as a group to reflect on all of our achievements of camp. We held a Liturgy outside on the grass, it was really nice to listen to the waves crash on the beach behind the dunes. After the Liturgy, we were each given a white t-shirt. We had to write our names on it and things that represented camp for us. Then we passed them around and got as many people as possible to also write something for us. It’s a great memory from camp for us all to have.

Letesha – On Thursday evening we had a group night activity, Escape from Quarantine. It was so much fun! In teams we had to collect all the clues to escape, but the guards were onto us. They would shine torches on us and if we didn’t freeze we were put into Quarantine where the Warden made us do lots of challenges to join back into the game. After the activity, the girls gathered together in our Pjs with our pillows and placed masks on our faces and relaxed. To end the night was had a dance party with Mrs Bukara and Mrs Pidala showing us all the cool moves of the Nutbush and the Macarena!!!

We had so much fun on camp. A big thanks to all the teachers who came with us and kept us safe while we were away.