First Eucharist

Our Year 4 students preparing to recieve the Eucharist for the first time are well into the  last part of their preparations. All students from Prep - Year 6 learn about the Eucharist and its centrality to our faith as a part of their class prayer life and learning time. The Eucharist Program in Year 4 is just the key point in all this developing of understanding.


Last night we celebrated our Eucharist Family Night. It was a great opportunity for families to pause in the busyness of life and reflect on this step in their faith journey. Our feedback from families highlighted the fun of completing the menu activity where families listed the most important ways we can live out the Eucharist in our daily lives. The positive responses continued unanimously including it was, "too good" and nothing needed to change! Thanks to all those who attended. We look forward to sharing with you and praying for you, as we make the last steps on this journey.


God our Father, 

We thank you for this special time together. 

We ask you to continue to guide us and our children  as they  prepare for the Sacrament of First Eucharist. 

Help us always to celebrate the gifts you have given us to share with one another. 

We ask for your blessings on all of those here 

and in the Church throughout the world 

who are preparing for First Eucharist. 

Send us the Holy Spirit to help us follow Jesus every day. 

We ask this through Christ our Lord. 
