Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Guardians,


The mornings are certainly a sign that winter is coming, but the days of sunshine have been beautiful. As a school we are so blessed with our huge oval, lots of space to play all sorts of hide and seek and chasing games, dig in the sandpit, play soccer or climb the equipment. Downball games are prolific on the cement area too. It is a joy to watch our children play and enjoy the warmth of the sun.


Please find on a following page information around the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). This page offers information to explain how the NCCD assists the school to improve educational outcomes for students.

Whole School Review

On Tuesday and today our School Reviewer, Christine Wakeling (Karen's cousin by marriage!) has been visiting COHR, talking to staff, students and parents. The purpose is for Christine to help us to review our achievements over the last 4 years and to help us to set new goals for the next four. 


Christine has commented how warm and welcoming as a community we are, how focused on their learning the students have been and how the staff are so intune with the students in terms of their whole selves - socially, emotionally and academically. Thank you to the parents who met with her this afternoon. We appreciate your support.


Christine will be back later in the term to give her report and discuss it with the Leadership Team and MACS staff. From there we will share with you, and then journey with you though the next four years.



Our enrolments for 2025, are open and we are recieving much interest, tours and forms being returned! The overwhelming response of visitors when they walk into the Courtyard is, "Wow! This is big! What amazing spaces!"


So if you have a child who would like attend COHR in 2025, and is turning 5 by the end of April 2025, please collect an enrolment form from the Office. When you enrol we have a "I'm going to big school" T-shirt for your child. (Thanks to our very cute model!)


If you know of any families looking for a school for their child in 2025, please invite them to book a tour via the website or by phoning the school. It is an absolute delight to show off our wonderful school, engaged-in-learning students, welcoming staff and happy parents!

Seasons for Growth Program

Last newsletter we offered the opportunity for children to be a part of the Seasons for Growth program. Seasons for Growth is an education program that builds the resilience and wellbeing of children who have recently experienced loss due to death, family separation or migration. Seasons for Growth aims to support young people to understand their feelings, help them develop skills for coping, restore self-confidence and educate them about the grief process. It is run in small groups, led by a teacher.


We have had some families inquire and if you think this could benefit your child or you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Kim or Jo. At COHR Seasons for Growth would be run by Kim Goddard.

Mother's Day @ COHR

The Mother's Day stall was nothing short of amazing, so many choices and so beautifully presented. We had more stock than last year and still there is a very limited number of items left. They are in the School Office, available for purchase.


Thanks to the Mums who came and helped to set up and pack up as well as sell all the goodies. A massive thank you must go to Alicia (Imogen 3/4I) for her amazing effort in sourcing and presenting the gifts. So many items were at a great price as a result of all her hard work. Thank you.


We are so looking forward to the Mother's Day Breakfast tomorrow. Dads please arrive at 7am, Mums and children not before 7:30am please. We are serving pancakes, cereal and toast. The pancake recipe is the same as the one used on Pancake Tuesday. The coffee machine will be running hot and we do hope lots of Mums can stay for the Friday Assembly with a special presentation by our Preps.


For many, Mother's Day is a hard time and we most especially remember the Wagner family (Bonnie Prep, Ella 3/4I, Hugh 5/6) and the recent passing of Emma's Mum. Our deepest condolences and prayers are with all those thinking of their Mum who is not here to celebrate with them.

COHR Cross Country Team

A huge congratualtions to the 30 children who represented COHR at the District Cross Country. 12 students will be going through to division level - well done! Our Year 3/4 competitors recieved their medals at last week's asembly, our Year 5/6s will receive them tomorrow. 


Hope all the Mums and Grandmas and Mammas and Nonnas and Mamas and Yiayias have a fantastic day on Sunday and the great COHR Mother's Day gifts are just what you wanted!



Jo Cowan (Deputy Principal) &

Brian Martin (Lead Principal)