From the Principal

It is my pleasure to welcome you all back to Term 2, 2024. A special welcome to the students and families who have recently joined the Dandenong High School community.
Term 2 has begun with a flurry of activity, engaging learning experiences and whole school events. A highlight for me was the moving ANZAC Day ceremony in Week 2 where we commemorated the sacrifice of all those who have died and served in our armed forces or on peace keeping missions in Australia’s history. Julian Hill, the Member for Bruce, shared a moving story that he felt captured the ANZAC legend, as did our School Captains. Official guests including the Mayor of Greater Dandenong Lana Formoso, Julian Hill MP, Dandenong Cranbourne RSL President Mr Lance McDermott, and Gabrielle Williams Member for Dandenong, together with student leaders, laid wreaths in honour of the fallen.
Another amazing opportunity to start the term was Year 7 Camp at the Phillip Island Adventure Resort. This is a key part of our transition program and provides students with the space to connect with their peers and their teachers while having fun. I encourage you to read through this latest issue and enjoy the photos of the memories they created, as well as keep up to date with the incredible things happening at our school. As you will see in these pages our students achieve remarkable things.
I was also very fortunate to attend the 150th Anniversary at Dandenong Primary School recently. It was wonderful to see so many of our current students returning to their former Primary school to say Happy Birthday. It was also amazing to walk around the exhibits and witness the history of this iconic local school.
I look forward to seeing all students at our Athletics Carnival next week and families and friends at the School Chorales competition on the final Thursday of Term.
Best wishes as always,
Susan Ogden