Student of the Week 

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

P.E. - Ryder 6C for successfully persevering in his attempts to complete the skill of Triple Jump and showing a never give up attitude. Great work Ryder!

Visual Arts -  Simon 3B - Simon listened closely to instructions and enthusiastically selected and cut fabrics for his tessellation artwork. He exemplified the school value of “Be a Learner” and was a great role model for his peers. Congratulations Simon and well done!

Performing Arts - Nathan 1A for demonstrating fantastic rhythm and beat while using body percussion in music. He showed pride and integrity by listening to instructions to practise improving his rhythm. Great work Nathan!

Chinese - Icy 3B for participating in Chinese conversation practice actively and doing well in your exit ticket. She exemplified the school value of “Be a Learner” and was a great role model for her peers. Good job!!


LLI- Year 5 -Razan 5A  for your excellent start to the LLI program this term. Keep working hard and show pride in all your achievements.


6A - Jay  for being  positive and enthusiastic during Maths lessons, willing to assist others with their learning. Great leadership qualities Jay.  Keep it up.

6C - Tyson for diligently taking care of the school devices, ensuring they are charged and ready to use.  Thankyou for being considerate to your classmates.

6C - Anthony for diligently taking care of the school devices, ensuring they are charged and ready to use.  Thankyou for being considerate to your classmates.


5B - Joshua for bringing his glasses everyday this week. You have come prepared to every class and are ready to be a learner. Well done! :) 

5C - Justin for working hard in class and being a great friend out in the yard. Well done for showing respect to your classmates and teacher. Keep up the great work! 


4A - Chloe for being a collaborative and cooperative class member. She never hesitates to offer her assistance to support her peers and teachers. Congratulations Chloe! 

4B - Hassan for being a great friend in 4B. We have loved having you in our class. Your huge smile when entering the room every morning is a delight to see. We will miss you!

4C - Azra for consistently modelling our school values. Through your actions and attitude, as well as your eagerness to learn and striving for excellence,  you have inspired others to follow suit. Fantastic work, Azra!


3A - Thomas for demonstrating our school value of ‘Pride’. He created a fantastic growing pattern in Mathematics and displayed resilience throughout the task. Well done, Thomas! 

3B - Louis for a fantastic first week at Deer Park West. It's been great to see you fit right into 3B and showing resilience with new challenges. Keep it up, Louis!


2A - All of 2A for consistently showing the school values and settling into the term with ease. They are all amazing learners at all times!    

2B Abdullah for being an attentive listener and actively participating and contributing in class discussions. Well Done!                                                 

 2C - Afnan for consistently showing that she is ready to learn and for being a fantastic role model to her classmates. Keep up the great work, Afnan!


1A - Hunter for being a helpful member of our classroom. He takes pride in keeping our classroom tidy and also enjoys helping his peers. Well done Hunter! 

1B -  Ayyan for all of his hard work, helping his peers and funny antics! Thankyou for making 1B a joyful classroom. We will miss you! 


FB - Tsokyi for demonstrating resilience. She has worked hard and practised improving her skills across all key learning areas. In Reading, Tsokyi confidently solved CVC words all by herself. Well done Tsokyi!


Highlighted Students

Lower primary: 

Performing Arts - Nathan 1A for demonstrating fantastic rhythm and beat while using body percussion in music. He showed pride and integrity by listening to instructions to practise improving his rhythm. Great work Nathan!


Upper primary: 

P.E. - Ryder 6C for successfully persevering in his attempts to complete the skill of Triple Jump and showing a never give up attitude. Great work Ryder!