Year 3/4
Level Newsletter
Year 3/4
Level Newsletter
Another two weeks have flown by! Our students have been working hard in Writing and publishing their own picture storybooks for our Narrative learning. In Maths, we’ve been learning about volume and capacity. We have explored how to calculate volume and compare different capacities to understand how much space they occupy or how much they can hold.
Last week we held our Scoresby Primary School Mini Olympics and it was wonderful to see everyone trying their best and supporting each other. Events such as egg-and-spoon racing, equestrian riding using hockey sticks, and discus using foam frisbees proved to be a hit, and we can’t wait to see some future Olympians emerge from this fun sporting competition.
Mrs Sheaf has returned from her amazing holiday and it has been awesome hearing about her travels away. We also want to thank Ms Dalrymple and Ms Lyon for their hard work teaching 3/4S during this time.
We are also all very excited about our whole school production, Mr. Blue Sky, and have begun weekly rehearsals. The students are diligently working to perfect their class dances, and we can't wait for production night. Tickets can be booked using this link and production night will be held on Thursday 29th August, 6.30pm start, at Rowville Secondary College (Eastern Campus) Performing Arts Centre.
Next week is Bullying No Way Week in which part of our Wellbeing program will be looking at the theme of ‘Everyone Belongs’ with classroom activities each day. Then, on Friday 16th August for the end of 'Bullying No Way' Week, students will be encouraged to wear a pop of purple.
We are looking forward to continuing our learning over the next fortnight.
From the Level 3/4 Team
Caz Sheaf, Caroline Foenander, Larissa Holdsworth and Sue Hartley