
Level Newsletter

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From The Team

The Foundation students loved participating in our whole school Mini Olympics Day. We have been looking at the different sports and athletes in the games, and I have been pleased that some of the students are watching the events at home and letting me know how our athletes are doing in the medal tally. As part of our Olympic Games topic, the F-2 team are organising a ‘Potato Olympics’ in Week 6 where each child will have their own Potato Athlete that will compete in various sports. We are hoping this is both a fun and educational experience for our students. More information to follow.


From Merran Maguire



What We Are Learning



  • Take home book to be taken home and read each night.
  • Reading log to be signed every night.
  • Water bottle to come to school every day.


Try This...


Mini Olympics

We made the Olympic flame!


Fun at the Games!