School Advisory Council

Our School Advisory Council met on Tuesday 30th July and discussed the following topics:
- MACS Vision for Instruction - presented by Frances. This document outlines Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools vision and strategies moving forwards to 2030, with the following statement at the core of the document:
"By 2030, we aim to become the benchmark for excellence in teaching and learning, through a coherently integrated, academically competitive and distinctively Catholic educational offering."
- Science of Learning/Reading - presented by Carolyn Hunter - St Mark’s Literacy Leader. Carolyn presented some of the research and evidence behind our approach to teaching reading which is based on the explicit teaching method being implemented across all schools in Victoria. She presented many current models for this evidence based approach and shared the pathway we are taking at St Mark’s across all classes Foundation - Year 6.
- Team Kids - Out of School Hours Provision and contract extension.
- Child Safe Standards 6 and 8:
Standard 6: Suitable staff and volunteers – People working with children and young people are suitable and supported to reflect child safety and wellbeing values in practice.
Standard 8: Child safety knowledge, skills and awareness – Staff and volunteers are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe through ongoing education and training.
Frances and Andrew walked the committee through the processes in place at St Mark’s to ensure we are compliant with Child Safe Standards 6 and 8.
Our next School Advisory Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th September at 7.30 p.m. in the staffroom.