Captains' Corner

Nevaeh Mills, Sharie Rainbow and Lindsay Titasey (Year 12) 

NAIDOC Week at Clayfield College was a vibrant celebration of Indigenous culture, centred around this year's theme: "Keep the Fire Burning: Black! Loud! Proud!". The week kicked off with a meaningful smoking ceremony, symbolising cleansing, and new beginnings. 


The ceremony was conducted by local Turrbal elder, Uncle Alex. Uncle shared some stories with us and performed a Welcome to Country. Students and staff then contributed to a collaborative NAIDOC painting, showcasing unity and respect for Indigenous culture. Each student in the College from Pre-Prep to Year 12 had the opportunity to add their mark to this artwork. 


Mid-week, everyone enjoyed tasting traditional Torres Strait Islander food, gaining insight into their rich culinary heritage. Aunty Annai and Uncle Luke, local Torres Strait Islander elders, assisted students to serve a traditional chicken curry to all Secondary School students. 


The highlight of the week was the NAIDOC Assembly, featuring inspiring guest speakers and captivating performances by traditional dancers. Dylan Meinecon from Yalari was one of the guest speakers who told his story of what it was like as a young indigenous man moving to the city to be a boarder in a different culture. Our Torres Strait Islander Indigenous students performed dances in traditional dress, accompanied by local elders. 


It was a week of learning, respect, and celebration, making NAIDOC Week an unforgettable experience at Clayfield College.