Canine Comprehension Program at DPS

We are excited to share that DPS has been hosting the Canine Comprehension program, an 8-week initiative designed to support our students' emotional and social development. This unique program uses therapy dogs to help students build confidence and enhance their overall well-being.
Meet Bambi
Currently, 10 of our students are participating and already showing remarkable progress. The presence of the therapy dogs has created a calming environment, enabling our students to engage more fully in their learning and social interactions. We look forward to seeing continued benefits as the program progresses.
Student Voice
I have participated in 4 sessions of the Canine Comprehension Program and the part that I have enjoyed the most was patting Bambi. While it is something so simple, it makes me feel a nice feeling inside, a sense of calmness and any stress I have in the day simply just goes away. Noah A, 6S
It makes me happy playing with the dog. I have improved at giving instructions and teaching the dog to climb. Ayan 6J
The person leading the program is kind. The dog is friendly. Vivian 6J