Physical Education

Bike Ed
Congratulations to the Level 4 students who completed the Bike Ed program, culminating in our ride to Ruffey Lake Park. Students were able to demonstrate their skills along the way by using hand signals, braking, single file riding, keeping to the left hand side of the path/road and most importantly gear changes for the changing elevation. The weather created a few challenges to our schedule, but we ended up riding in beautiful conditions for most of the rides. The students loved the carefree downhills past Schramm’s Reserve but found the steep climb back to school from Ruffey Lake a real challenge.
Thankyou to Mr. Beechey who assisted with the Bike Ed Program this term. For those who dont know Mr. Beechey is our groundsman but he is also a retired School Principal.
Over the next couple of weeks we will be looking for Level 6 students willing to take on the challenge of The Great Victorian Bike Ride in Term 4.
Athletics Day
What an amazing day of weather to showcase our fabulous students for our Level 3-6 House Athletics Day. My fingers were crossed after the many dreary and cold winter days we have had recently.
Congratulations to all involved and well done to all of the students who represented their Houses and gave 100% effort in each of the activities. Obtaining a ribbon is an added bonus but trying your best is the goal of the day. A huge 'Thank you', to all of the staff for their support of the day and hard work to complete all activities as efficiently as possible. Student placings are currently being compiled to determine our upcoming District Team. Parents please keep checking compass to know if your child has qualified for our upcoming District Athletics event which will also be held at the Tom Kelly Athletics Track, in George Street, East Doncaster on September 11th.