Grade 5-Sovereign Hill Excursion

On Thursday 8th of August the Level Five students went on an excursion to Sovereign Hill as part of their Australian history unit in theme. They had a great day out where they got to take part in many different activities including a goldmine tour, gold panning, candle dipping, bowling and of course buying lots and lots of boiled candy. The students thoroughly enjoyed exploring and learning about what life was like in the 1800s.
Trista 5E I enjoyed panning for gold even though I didn’t find any!
Erin 5E I liked doing the candle dipping and using all the colours.
Avash 5E It was so cool to see the soldiers and horses go by!
Alex 5F I loved Sovereign Hill. I enjoyed mostly the candy and walking around the old town.
Chris 5F I like the fire and big explosion that happened on our incursion. I jumped because I was so scared. It was cool.
Amanda 5F My favourite part of Sovereign Hill was the underground mine tour. I liked the creepy noises which made me and my friends jump.
Rachel 5F We saw the olden day houses. They were very small. I would like to live in one of those houses.
Rafaela 5K My highlight of the excursion was the mine tour because it was scary and fun.
Leila 5K The highlight of going to Sovereign Hill was panning for gold because we got to find gold.
Mika 5C My highlight of Sovereign Hill was the mind tour because it was cool to hear the noises in the mine and finding out that the miners found the second largest nugget in the world.
Roonica 5C My highlight of Sovereign Hill was the gold pour because I found it really satisfying how they made the gold brick and really cool how the gold and water cooled it down
Thankyou to Barry and Miss Bay for joining us!