Grade 4

Term 3
Term 3 is an exciting term for Level Four students, as there are many special events and interesting activities being explored in class. This term we are learning about Indigenous history, delving deep into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. Students will learn about Indigenous groups, languages, food, artefacts, shelter, artwork, and traditional games. In Week 8, Level Four students will attend the National Gallery of Australia incursion, where they will learn about 'Stories of Australian Art'. In Week 8, we will attend an excursion to CERES, where students will connect with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and engage in activities such as storytelling, painting, dance, cultural walks, and traditional games.
This week is Science Week! Students are invited to participate in the creative Lego competition and on Friday they will be challenged to construct the tallest and strongest tower possible in their team.
Week 6 brings Book Week, with many fun and exciting activities. Not only will students share their favourite stories, but they will explore a range of texts and participate in the Book Week Dress Up Parade.
We look forward to a fantastic term of learning and fun with the students!
Student Voice
"On August 9th, the Level 4s played Indigenous games. There were 5 rotations on the oval, including a kangaroo relay game. It was so much fun! Each of the Level 4 teachers led a game and we moved around and played each game." Ivanna 4G
"In Maths, we did multiplication and I enjoyed the mosaic multiplication sheets, land grab game, the power of 10, and estimating and rounding. I have also enjoyed learning about persuasive devices including high modality words and alliteration. These were really fun!" Mani 4G
"I have loved writing where we are doing persuasive devices. It is a lot of fun! I also love doing joint handwriting in Spelling & Handwriting." Alina 4G
"My highlight of this term so far was the Olympic Dress Up Day. I enjoyed dressing up in South African colours and seeing all the unique countries that were represented." Keilen 4WB
"This term I've really enjoyed Robotics and Mathematics. We got to use a wide variety of code to program the Edison Bots to do anything we wanted. In Maths, I liked using different strategies to solve problems. The challenges have been fun!" Adib 4S
"In Everest this term, I have enjoyed learning about AI and some of the positive and negative things about it. I am designing a robot that can help someone do anything with the click of a button." Oscar 4S
"My favourite thing was riding to Ruffey Lake Park in Bike Ed. It was really challenging, but great to go on an adventure." Ariyan 4WB
"My favourite part of the term was when we were looking at persuasive devices. It was really fun to learn new things and make my own persuasive advertisement." Anna 4WB
"My favourite thing was looking at persuasive devices. There were lots of different persuasive devices we learned and we made our own posters using these devices." Sarah 4WB
"My favourite part was learning about persuasive devices. I made a really funny advertisement." Quincy 4WB
"I've liked having the responsibility in the classroom to have a job. Learning about money has helped me use our class currency." Jazmin 4K
"I loved multiplication this term. It is fun and interesting." Aran 4K
"We have been learning about persuasive devices in Writing, Aboriginal culture in Integrated Studies, and multiplication in Maths. I enjoyed doing the role play for How the Birds Got Their Colours in Integrated Studies." John 4G
Level Four has been learning about multiplication this term. Students have been identifying and using multiples of numbers up to 10. They have created and interpreted arrays to visually represent multiplication problems, while also applying repeated addition to solve basic multiplication tasks. Students explored fact families to understand the relationship between multiplication and division and practised skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s to strengthen their multiplication skills. They have applied these concepts to solve real-life problems involving groups and arrays and develop mental strategies for multiplying numbers, including recognising and using number patterns. Students have been encouraged to share their thinking and cooperate in teams by applying these skills through collaborative games.
To encourage regular upkeep of these skills, we encourage students to continue practising at home with their families! Some resources you can use at home to practise your Maths skills include Prodigy (you can log in with your school username and password), Maths Games, and Maths Online.
In Writing this term, we have been developing our skills in Persuasive Writing. We have been looking at posters, billboards, online, video, and radio advertisements that utilise different persuasive devices. Persuasive devices students have been exploring and using include rhetorical questions, alliteration, hyperbole, emotive language, repetition, call to action, evidence, rebuttals, and modality. We are looking forward to the rest of term, where we will be putting these skills to use in creating advertisements for new products and writing persuasive pieces to convince each other about real-world issues.