Grade 2

Level 2 students have embraced their learning this Term enjoying many different activities and learning opportunities.
In Reading this term students have been learning about connecting with the texts they are reading. Connecting with a text can be done through text to self, text to text and text to real world connections. Students have enjoyed sharing the connections they have made with the class.
In Maths this term students have been learning about multiplication and division. Students have enjoyed creating number stories and showing the multiplication solution as both a repeated addition problem and skip counting pattern.
Aquarium Excursion
This term Level 2 students visited the Melbourne Aquarium. It was an amazing day and a great learning experience.
Student Voice
Here is what some of our students had to say about what they have enjoyed this term.
“I have enjoyed everything this term because I love school." - Avina 2S
“This term I enjoyed learning about the Olympics and interesting information about different countries in the world.” - Spencer 2S
“I enjoyed playing tag with my friends at playtime.” - Jacob 2S