Lunchtime Activities

Congratulations to BARAK players for taking out the Win against Pyke. Both teams played extremely well with Pyke kicking the first successful goal and then Barak levelling the game to 1-1 before half time. During the second half, Barak scored again and inspite of the great efforts from Pyke House, Barak managed to run away with another goal to seal the win 3-1. Well Done to all the players today and throughout the Term 2 competition, as we have seen great sportsmanship coming through. Thankyou to ALL the Barak & Pyke House supporters that showed up today and a special mention to Mr Snape for his time and passion, in helping with this competition.


Look out for our next Interhouse Sports this term - Volleyball. Signup forms are with your houses and starts in Week 3.


Nesa Tuaoi

Student Activities Coordinator