E-Cigarettes - Part 2

E-Cigarettes part two – what are they doing for our health and how to say no!


How is it impacting on your health? 


Some health issues could include…

Health experts are very concerned about the various chemical ingredients used in e-cigarette liquids. Even though it is illegal to sell liquid containing nicotine in Victoria, there is no guarantee that liquid purchased will not contain nicotine. Unfortunately, the incorrect labelling of liquids used in e-cigarettes has been known to happen in Australia. 

Despite the small emissions of nicotine from e-cigarettes compared to tobacco cigarettes, e-cigarettes might still be a source of particles that can contaminate the air and expose those in the environment, including non-smokers. Because e-cigarettes are relatively new on the market, there is little research on them and even less information on how they may contribute to thirdhand exposure.


How do we say No?

It's normal for teens to look for ways to experience being independent; it's all part of a young person's transition to adulthood. Navigating being a teenager is challenging… with pressures to fit in, be part of a social group or look like they are doing what everyone else is doing. 

Encourage a conversation with your young person around Vaping could start by pointing out that the majority of young people are not “vaping”.. to “Vape” you are in the minority… this is so important for young people to hear! 

Encourage them to practice to say “no”. 


Here are some strategies … 


Use your knowledge about e-cigarettes

  • I don’t want to smoke e-cigs. I’ve heard they have lots of bad chemicals

Use humour

  • Nah thanks, I don’t like to just run on ‘fumes’

Change the subject

  • No thanks.  But I’m playing soccer on the weekend, do you want to come?


This is the last article on this series of Health Focus on Vaping. If you would like support or more information here is some services that can be explored:

  • Talk with your local Doctor or Pharmacy
  • Visit www.quit.org.au or call Quit help line on 137848
  • Or contact Kurunjang Secondary College and talk to your young person’s house co Ordinator. 


Kate Probert

Secondary School Nurse | Health Well Being & Engagement