Principal's Report - July 2024


Congratulations to Giovanna Zurzolo on receiving the Premier's VCE Award for Australian History!


We are thrilled to announce that one of our outstanding students of 2023, Giovanna Zurzolo, has been honoured with the prestigious Premier's VCE Award for her exceptional performance in Australian History. Giovanna was the only student in the state to receive the award for this subject. This award is a testament to Giovanna's unwavering dedication, consistent academic focus, and remarkable commitment to achieving outstanding results.


Giovanna's excellence extends beyond Australian History. She has performed exceptionally well across the board in all her studies and was named the Dux of the College for 2023. Her hard work and determination have earned her this well-deserved recognition and set a high standard for her peers.


We would also like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Dom Snape, Giovanna's VCE Australian History Teacher. Mr. Snape's guidance, support, and expert instruction have been instrumental in helping Giovanna reach this level of excellence. His dedication to fostering a love of history and encouraging critical thinking has undoubtedly played a significant role in Giovanna's success.


Giovanna's achievement serves as an inspiration to all our students, reminding us of the importance of perseverance, hard work, and a passion for learning. We are incredibly proud of her work and look forward to seeing her continued success in the future.


Congratulations once again to Giovanna Zurzolo and a big thank you to Mr. Dom Snape for his exceptional mentorship!



NAPLAN 2024 Testing Update


We would like to update our community on the recent NAPLAN testing and its role in assessing and improving our educational programs. NAPLAN, which stands for the National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy, tests students in two key areas: Literacy and Numeracy. These assessments provide valuable insights into the skills and knowledge our students have acquired, as well as the areas where they may need further assistance. 


Students are assigned to proficiency levels based on their performance in these tests. Each proficiency level comes with detailed information about what students know and can do, along with the areas they need to develop further. This detailed feedback is crucial for understanding each student's learning journey and tailoring our support to meet their needs. 


The information gathered from NAPLAN testing is also instrumental in our curriculum audit. By analysing the data, we can identify areas of success and pinpoint aspects of our curriculum that may require further development. This ensures that our educational programs are comprehensive and effectively cover all necessary areas, enabling every student to achieve their full potential. 


We are committed to using these insights in enhance our teaching strategies and provide targeted support where needed. Our goal is to ensure that every student receives the best possible education, equipping them with the skills and knowledge they need for future success. 


We are thrilled to report an upward trend in our NAPLAN data, particularly in the area of Reading. Many of our students have moved up in their proficiency levels from Year 7, demonstrating significant progress and improvement. This achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students and the steadfast commitment of our staff. 


We commend our students for their diligent efforts and our staff for their exceptional teaching and support. This collective achievement highlights the strength of our school community and our shared commitment to excellence in education. 


Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to our students' learning.



Exciting Uniform Update: New College Puffer Jacket Available


As your Principal, I have been actively listening to student feedback regarding our uniform offerings. I am delighted to announce that, in response to your suggestions, we now have a stylish and warm college puffer jacket available for purchase at the uniform shop. This new addition not only ensures that our students stay warm during the colder months but also maintains a smart appearance, allowing them to represent our college with pride. 


In addition to the puffer jacket, I am currently exploring the possibility of introducing a college beanie. This will provide an extra layer of warmth for our students on those particularly chilly days. 


I would like to remind our community of the importance of wearing the correct college uniform at all times. Consistent adherence to our uniform policy is essential for maintaining a sense of unity, ensuring safety, and fostering college pride. Let us continue to uphold these standards and support our students in looking their best every day.


Thank you for your ongoing support and feedback. Together, we can continue to make our college an exceptional place to learn and grow. 



The importance of Regular, Daily Attendance and Punctuality


As we strive to provide the best educational experience for our students, I would like to highlight the critical importance of regular, daily attendance and punctuality. Being present at school every day and arriving on time are fundamental habits that lay the groundwork for future success. 


Regular attendance is vital because it ensures that students are exposed to the full array of information, knowledge, and skills that our curriculum offers. When students attend school consistently, they benefit from continuity in their learning, which is crucial for grasping complex concepts and building upon previously learned material. Missing even a single day can disrupt this flow and make it challenging for students to catch up.


Furthermore, punctuality and consistent attendance are habits that serve students well beyond their school years. These habits are essential in the workforce, where reliability and commitment are highly valued. By fostering these practices now, we are helping our students develop a strong work ethic and a sense of responsibility that will be invaluable in their future careers. 


I urge all students and parents to prioritise daily attendance and punctuality. Let us work together to ensure that our students are always present and ready to learn, thereby setting them on the path to academic success and future accomplishments.


Thank you for your cooperation and support in this important matter.


Warm regards,


Ms. Aylin Gökmen


College Principal

Kurunjang Secondary College