Religious Education & Faith Life

Dear God,
You inspired St Mary MacKillop
to live her life faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and constant in bringing
hope and encouragement to those who were disheartened, lonely, or needy.
With confidence in your generous providence and joining with St Mary MacKillop, we ask that our faith and hope be fired afresh by the Holy Spirit.
So that we too, like Mary MacKillop, may live with courage, trust, and openness.
Ever-generous God, hear our prayer.
We ask this through Jesus Christ.
St Mary of the Cross MacKillop
Tomorrow on Thursday 8 August, we celebrate the feast of St Mary of the Cross, the first Australian Saint. Mary was a person of action and didn’t wait for someone to knock on her door. She loved the poor and worked hard to care for them in any way that she could. Mary shows us how to open our eyes and ears, our hearts and our minds to the needs of others. She shows us how to serve others with kindness, love and understanding.
Mary was born in Australia and had a passion for ensuring all children received an education. She started a school in Penola, South Australia, and then her own order - The Josephites. Mary MacKillop never saw a need without doing something about it, and we can all try to live like her.
Learn more about St Mary of the Cross MacKillop - click here