Classroom learning

We are learning about digraphs in Prep this term. We have been practising our reading stamina each morning using our own independent stories. We have been playing partner games where we practise our reading skills, our favourite has been ‘Rapid Racers’ where our partner uses a stopwatch to time how fast we can read a list of words with digraphs and we try to beat our own time to achieve a personal best.
We have also been learning all about the Olympics in literacy this week. We have been taking part in the Prep Olympics, designing and writing all about our team. The children have designed a flag for their teams, given them a name and designed the Olympic torch.
Here are our teams for the Prep Olympics! We made our torches and took part in a relay race this week. We are excited for the rest of the games next week.
We are learning about addition this week. We have been creating our own addition stories and using manipulatives to show our answers. We have been playing lots of different games to practice our skills and learning new strategies to help us.
We are learning about our community. We had a special guest from Bunnings who came in and made a worm farm with us. We learnt what the worms do and how important they are for our environment.
We are learning about Jesus’ family and discussing our own families. We have brainstormed how we share and show love with our families and friends.