Student Wellbeing

Finding the Joy in Winter
Winter can be a challenging time for everyone, especially when it comes to keeping kids entertained and active. The colder temperatures and shorter days can make it difficult to find things to do that don’t involve staying indoors all day. The cool weather and chilly mornings can impact our overall health. Here are some ideas to help you get through winter with your kids:
Focus on Gratitude
Take a few minutes to think of the things you are grateful for and encourage your child to do the same. That is not to take away from how challenging things have been over this last year, but rather, it’s an opportunity to recognise that many good things have been happening, too.
Let there be light
Going out in the cold might seem unappealing, but getting some natural light can be invigorating and really help your mood. So try to get outside, especially at midday and on brighter days. When you’re indoors, sit near windows whenever you can to make the most of natural light.
Embrace Winter
Having a positive mindset about winter may encourage you and your family to think of new ways to get outside more. Despite the cold, spending time in nature can be rejuvenating. Bundle up in warm layers and take leisurely strolls through local parks or botanical gardens. Nature has a soothing effect on the mind, reducing stress and anxiety.
Collaborate with Kids on Plans
Take time to collaborate with your kids and family on activities to stay busy. Ask if there is anything new that they are interested in trying.
Stay Active
Going out, even on cloudy days, will give you a dose of much-needed natural light. Keeping physically active can be very effective in lifting your mood and increasing energy levels. It doesn’t have to be anything particularly strenuous – listen to your body and pick a form of movement that works for you – whether that’s doing the housework, a brisk walk around the park or even a few slow stretches while sitting down to get your blood flowing.
Keep Healthy Habits and Routines
Prioritise the healthy habits that you normally have, such as getting enough sleep, eating healthily, and exercising regularly. Routines – and knowing what to expect in the day – can be especially helpful for children.
And finally, a bonus thought... Look forward to spring!
Know that spring will return – as it does without fail every year – with the promise of warmer, longer, sunnier days.