PE News

Well done to the Year 5&6 Boys soccer team who competed so well at the Maroondah Division final on Friday 26th July. The team came second and the boys played so well as a team, with fantastic passes, shots at goal and defending. They should be very proud of their effort.
On Wednesday 24th July, the Year 3-6 students went to Proclamation Park for our annual House Athletics day. The rain held off and the students had a fantastic day participating in the different field and track events. There were so many great races, super jumps and excellent throws. Congratulations to Moneghetti house for being crowned champions and to the Year 6 students who took out the Teachers vs Parents vs Students shuttle relay race. Thank you to all the parents that helped, we can’t run these days without your assistance and to the many parents/grandparents that came along to support the children.