Parents and Friends Association

Term 3 & 4 Fundraising Events
Make sure to note in your diary that the Father's and Special Person Day Stall will be on Thursday 29th August. Shortly we will send a sign up roster for parents that would like to help out with this event.
Preparations for the Art Show and Festival are well underway and we look forward to announcing details soon.
- Fathers Day Stall - Thursday 29th August
- Art Show and Festival - Thursday 7th November
- Christmas Concert & Picnic/BBQ - Thursday 12th December
Fundraising Meeting
If you would like to attend our next Fundraising Meeting, please join us in the Staffroom on Tuesday 30th July at 6:30pm. New members are always welcome and are not required to attend every meeting. At this coming meeting we will be discussing plans for the Art Show in Term 4.
We hope to see you some new faces at the meeting.