Level 1: Connect

Some reminders:
The swim program starts on Tuesday 13th of August. Please ensure you have read the Compass note to ensure your child is ready each day. Kids are always extra hungry over the swimming weeks so could you please pack extra snacks if you think your child will need it.
A huge thank you to all of our Level 1 students for their fantastic efforts at Lego Land! We were so impressed by the way the students conducted themselves while out and about. We navigated our way through Chadstone Shopping Centre, to Lego Land extremely well. Lego Land was a big hit with lots of excitement when back at school. A huge shout out and thanks to all of our parent helpers! There were so many and we are so grateful! Enjoy the photos!
In Level 1, we have been learning to share collections into two groups which has followed on from our focus of doubling. Students are now discovering how doubling and halving are inverse operations and these skills can come in handy in day-to-day life. We have been applying the skills of sharing quantities equally in a range of contexts. During these sessions, students are using tens frames as well as concrete materials.
Writing: Students will be completing a Big Write over the fortnight based around a 'bandaid' prompt where they will write about a time when they have needed a bandaid or had an accident. They will learn to edit their writing and then publish their writing. They will have a choice which writing piece they would like to publish- their Lego Land writing or their 'Bandaid' writing piece.
The next 2 weeks will be review weeks. We will be reviewing the suffixes we have learnt in the first four weeks of this term. We will also be revisiting heart words and phonemes from the past 4 weeks.
If you would like to help your child at home:
You could have them explain the suffixes we have learnt this fortnight:
Heart words to practice: those, whose, great, break, steak, thorough, people.
Maths: We have been looking at doubling numbers from 1-10. You could have your child write out their double facts.
Have a great fortnight!
Suzanne, Anthony, Nishtha and Leon (and Tommy)