Foundation: Connect
Term 3
Foundation: Connect
Term 3
In Numeracy, the focus is on looking at halves in many different ways! Half is two equal parts, objects can be halved and they can look different to each other, half of one object can look different to half of another object and developing the skill to find half of a group. The first minutes of each Numeracy lessons will now be dedicated to reviewing last week's content.
Jumping forward to Week 5 & 6 we will continue our work with non-fictions texts in Literacy and Inquiry. Student will research facts about zebras and also choose their own animal to write an information report on. We can't wait to create play-dough models of animals and describe it using adjectives. Heart words that are continuing to be consolidated are; have, saw, look, there, he and she.
On Tuesday the 13th of August we commence our swimming program.
Thank you to all helpers that have offered to help us on the bus and at the pool. A copy of the schedule is on classroom entry points.
A few important reminders.
-Please have bathers on under school uniform.
-Swimming caps are a requirement.
-Please pack additional underwear in your child’s school bag and swim bag.
-If your child is not participating, they will remain at school and be sent to a different class whilst we are at swimming. They will not accompany us to the pool.
No school on Monday the 12th of August!