Specialist Happenings

Physical Education
Over the past few weeks, our students have been actively engaged in their PE lessons, focusing on refining their two-handed side arm strike and fielding skills. It's been wonderful to see them improving their abilities and supporting each other with constructive feedback.
To conclude each lesson, we've enjoyed playing some exciting games, including Danish Longball, Modified Tee Ball, and the crowd favourite, Golden Child. These activities have reinforced the skills we've been working on and provided a fun and energetic way for students to end their sessions on a high note.
Our students continue demonstrating teamwork, sportsmanship, and a commitment to personal growth, making our PE classes both productive and enjoyable. We look forward to more exciting lessons ahead!
In our Mandarin classes, Grade 5 and 6 students have been learning the vocabulary for family members. They have been practicing sentences to describe the number of people in their families and identify each member. Through various engaging activities, students have developed their skills in using these words and sentences, enabling them to confidently share information about their families in Mandarin. This practice not only enhances their language proficiency but also deepens their understanding of Chinese culture and family structures.
Performing Arts
Performing Arts has launched into semester 2 with our usual gusto, but looking in on the level 3 classes this week, you would be forgiven for thinking that performance had given way to sculpture. The more eagle eyed among you might note however that these marvels of form and function are not sculpted from bronze or marble, but from the bodies of performers. Here we see them depicting classical fountains in the heroic mode, presented as living tableau in all their frozen glory.
Mr Scherpenhuizen
Visual Arts
Fabulous Art!
Here are some beautiful creations by Level 3 students called ‘Connected Frames’ inspired by artist Andrew Scott. We looked at some examples of Diptych Art, where two pictures are presented to tell one story, and then students were paired up. We brainstormed lots of different provocations to inspire their own idea. They then created their own little art piece and connected the two frames with some string, wool, leaves and sticks.
Steampunk Art!
4A and 4C have been exploring the art of ‘Steampunk’ which is a retro futuristic style of science fiction or fantasy, that incorporates technology and aesthetic designs inspired by 19th century industrial steam powered machinery. We looked at lots of examples and provocations that used cogs, gears, clockwork and machine parts with Victorian art form. Students chose their own subject, and began drawing and connecting, using various mediums and also added beads, coins and collage papers to enhance their different creations.
You will see some of these wonderful creations in our upcoming art show…
on Wednesday 23rd October. Save the date and stay tuned for more information!
Book Week Art Competition
Theme: Reading is Magic
One A4 entry per student.
FREE to enter.
You can draw, paint, collage, colour. Anything goes.
Entries need to be given to Miss H and Ms V in the art room
by the week 12th August. NO LATER!!!!!!!!
Winners will be announced at book week assembly Week 6.
Love Art!
Ms Van Etten