Level 6: Connect

Kristy Cullen, Kym Seccull, Richelle Fraser & Anthony Klvac 

Dear parents and guardians,


We are well and truly into term 3! 


A gentle reminder that students must wear appropriate footwear to school. Crocs are not considered part of the uniform and pose a safety risk to students. 


Please remind your child to bring a charged laptop to school every day, ready for learning.


Important Dates:


Term 3

Monday 12th August - Curriculum Day - Student Free Day

Wednesday 14th - Friday 16th August - Camp Rumbug

Thursday 22nd August - Book Parade & Special Persons Afternoon

Wednesday 28th August - Aspire Leadership Workshop

Thursday 2nd September - Sustainability Festival - Sustainability Ambassadors

Thursday 12th September - Market Day and SEPS Idol

Wednesday 18th September - Write A Book in a Day

Thursday 19th September - Footy Day


Term 4

Wednesday 23rd October - Art Show

Friday 29th November - Curriculum Day

Tuesday 10th December - State School Transition Day

Wednesday 11th December - Graduation Fun Morning, Graduation Night

Friday 13th December - Beach Swimming

Monday 16th December - Level 6 Final Assembly


Camp Rumbug

Not long until the students are away on camp!

Just a reminder that students need to be at school by 8:40am to put bags on the bus by 9am. 

All medication and medical authority form (signed by a doctor) need to be handed into the office to Ms Seccull from 8:15am-8:45am. 


Market Day

Market Day is always a highlight for Level 6 and is much anticipated by the entire school community. It is a series of stalls that the students run from the start of recess until just before lunch eating time. The stalls are a mixture of food, drinks and activities. In the afternoon we run the finals for our talent show, SEPS Idol. This is a great opportunity for the students to learn enterprising behaviours, collaboration, responsibility, and problem solving. 


Queen Victoria Market Excursion 

We had a very successful day at the QVM, the students displayed their enterprenuership by interviewing and analysing various stalls. This is great preparation for the students stalls in the upcoming Market Day. 



Tomorrow's Leaders for Sustainability

25 of our students are involved in Tomorrow's Leaders for Sustainability (TLfS).  

This is an award-winning program which is being tailored to our school context and curriculum. Our facilitator, Alex Hoffman from the Port Phillip Eco Centre, will work with this wonderful group of students over this term. The children will develop leadership skills through the creation of a sustainability action plan. The direction of the plan will be determined by the students. This program is fully funded by Bayside City Council.  We look forward to working with these children to create an action plan for a sustainability initiative in our community.



Today the students' delivered their debates. They were very persuasive and showed professionalism in their arguements. 


In the next coming weeks the students will be looking at advertisments and how persuasive writing is used to persuade a buyer. This will be intertwined with their Market Day stall. 


Students' are encouraged to continue their daily reading of 20 minutes. 



This fortnight we have focused on Order of Operations, Data and Time. The students have used opportunities to analyse data sets, create their own surveys & graphs, and interpret their findings. We have used looked at PTV Journey Planner and Google Maps to plan the running schedule for our upcoming excursion to the Queen Victoria Market, using 24-hour time.


Looking to the fortnight ahead, we will be working on statistical literacy. Students will have opportunities to enhance their skills in reading, analysing, and interpreting statistics. 



Our Level 6 & Level 1 Buddy program will continue this term with lunch together each Monday and an activity each fortnight. This term our focus is wellbeing, with sharing and games as the focus.




  •  If you would like your child to complete work at home, you can complete the following: 

Reading - it is important that students read most nights. 20 minutes before bed is the ideal reading routine. Students can complete a 'read and sketch' of the characters they have read. 


Maths - there are revision sheets available in the Homework folder on Teams - General/Term 3/Homework/Optional Work.  Students are encouraged to complete the Problem of the Week in this newsletter or go to the Problem-Solving folder on Teams.


Many thanks, 


Year 6 Team