Level 5: Connect
5A Michelle Stainforth, 5B Joshua Miller, 5C Michael Day
Level 5: Connect
5A Michelle Stainforth, 5B Joshua Miller, 5C Michael Day
Level 5 have been having lots of fun learning about Prosody in reading. The students are enjoying identifying expression and pace in our reading while encouraging each other to set challenges and goals for themselves. Readers theatre is a big hit providing opportunities for the students to explore and demonstrate their skills and abilities. In writing we have been experimenting with character profiles and exploring sub plots.
Weeks 3 and 4 saw students engaging in measuring, calculating and estimating length, area and perimeter of 2D shapes. We applied our refined knowledge into worded problems and real world application in the classroom.
Seperate to out in class planned learning, a new school-wide initiative started this week. What I Need (WIN) is 20 minutes of intervention for students to choose areas of need for further development. The teacher is then able to work with small groups on a targetted mathematical concept for improvement.
Our inquiry content this term has focussed on the central idea of: Human journeys, from ancient connections to modern migrations, have shaped Australia's land and people, leaving a complex legacy of challenge, adaptation and the ongoing pursuit of a shared future, echoing the Olympic spirit. Anything remotely concerning the Olympics has at the moment has maintained their greatest focus.
Students have continued their understanding of the 4 Zones of Regulation, making individual Zone Cards. These cards included specific strategies the students chose that would help them regulate their emotions. The intention with these strategies is for the students to identify what Zone they are in, and what strategies to practise to move into the Green Zone.
More recently, students have been brainstorming and categorising different school-based scenarios and ranking the severity from 1 to 5, 1 being something little that they could handle by themselves, to 5 being instant teacher intervention.
Kitchen / Garden
This term the year 5 Students have commenced the Garden and Kitchen program. During Terms 1 & 2 they were participating in the science program. So far all three classes have completed a kitchen meal prep and most importantly, eating session as well as two garden sessions. It would be helpful if all students had a set of gloves that could use in the garden. They have been busy preparing garden beds for planting and learning about the care of the beds. In the kitchen they excitedly participated in their first cooking session. Teriyaki chicken was on the menu and allthe students were fully in gaged in both the prep, cooking and most importantly eatcing! Some pictures of these events below.