Learning & Teaching 

Learning and Teaching encompasses the following areas: Student Outcomes, Curriculum, Assessment, Reporting, Principles and Pedagogy.



Last week, Year 3 and 5 parents received a copy of their child’s report.   

NAPLAN tests are designed to provide parents and schools with an understanding of how individual students are performing at the time of the tests. They measure the performance of students in literacy and numeracy against national standards.


It's important to remember that NAPLAN is not the only way to measure your child's abilities. It provides a snapshot of your child's performance in literacy and numeracy at a particular time. Your child's overall development, strengths, and areas for growth are reflected in their daily schoolwork, class participation, and other literacy and numeracy assessments.


NAPLAN is just one aspect of our school’s assessment and reporting process. It's not a replacement for teachers' ongoing assessments of student performance, but it does provide teachers with additional information about students’ educational progress. We believe in a collaborative approach to your child's education, and NAPLAN is a part of that.


Reading Your Child’s NAPLAN Individual Student Report

The front page of the student report provides general information about the tests and explains how to read the report. 


The second and third pages show the student’s results in each assessment area. The results are classified into one of four proficiency levels: Exceeding, Strong, Developing, or needing additional support. The report shows the students’ achievement against the national average for their year (shown as a black triangle) and the range of achievement for the middle 60% of students in their year level (shown as a light-shaded rectangle).


The report's final page provides a brief summary of the skills typically demonstrated by students at each proficiency level. Longer descriptions of the skills usually shown by a student at each proficiency level can be found at proficiency level descriptions


The below video explains how to read your child’s report. 

Reading the NAPLAN Individual Student Report


It's crucial to keep these NAPLAN results, as some secondary schools can request them during the enrolment process. This foresight will ensure you are well-prepared and proactive for your child's transition to secondary school. 


If you have any questions about the enclosed information, please make an appointment with your child’s teacher or Vira Pirrotta. We are here to support you and provide any reassurance you may need. 

LITERACY - Bernadette Parnis

Welcome back everyone! From my perspective, Term 3 is quite an exciting term! Following receiving Semester 1 reports at the end of last term, students have an opportunity to set new goals for themselves and work towards achieving them. In addition, we celebrate the best of Australian literature for children and young people during Book Week.


Each year since 1945, the ‘Children’s Book Council of Australia’ (CBCA) has brought children and books together across Australia through CBCA Book Week. During this time, schools and public libraries spend one week celebrating books and Australian children's authors and illustrators. Teachers and librarians create colourful displays, develop activities, run competitions and tell stories relating to a theme to highlight the importance of reading. 


CBCA Book Week 2024, will be held in August. This year the official week is from Saturday, 17 August – Friday, 23 August, Week 6 of the term. This year’s theme is Reading is Magic. 


Please note: We will have a Book Week Assembly/Parade Friday, 23 August at 9am. You may wish to begin preparing a costume to wear.  Looking for some free DIY inspiration or ideas:


To coincide with Book Week, we have secured Scholastic Book Fairs. The Book Fair is coming to St Fidelis School! It will arrive on 20/08/2024 and be with us until 26/8/2024. So please come by and support our school whilst getting your hands on the best new children’s books!


STAY TUNED for more news about Book Week including the shortlisted books of Children’s Book Council of Australia and the Book Fair opening times.


Stay warm and have a great week. 

Bernadette Parnis



Thank you to the parents that have placed their order on this Issue of Book Club! There is still time to order if you haven't already.  Orders due Wednesday July 31.


ITALIAN NEWS - Rosa Fokianos


Salve e bentornati a tutti! (Hello and welcome back to everyone!) 


I hope everyone had a relaxing holiday break and enjoyed some quality time with your famiglia ed amici (family and friends). 😃


My holidays included watching various sporting events that included Italian teams or had a connection to Italy such as:

EURO 2024: Early Sunday morning, I went down to Brunetti Classico in Carlton, to watch Italy play against Svizzera (Switzerland), where Italy unfortunately lost 2-0. So Italia missed out on competing in the quarter finals. Auguri Spagna! (Congratulations to Spain - winners of the 2024 Euros).


WIMBLEDON 2024: Jasmine Paolini, the 28 year old Italian tennis player reached the 2024 French Open and Wimbledon Finals, unfortunately both times she was runner up. Alla prossima volta Jasmine! (Next time Jasmine!)


LE TOUR de FRANCE: I watched the first 3 stages of the Tour de France that took place in Italia, see map below:

The race started in Firenze (Florence) and went through cities such as Rimini, Bologna, Piacenza and Torino then entered Francia (France) for stage 4 of the race. 


As I write this article, the Tour de France’s final stage 21 will end in Nice - Francia, which is very close to the Italian northern border. It is untraditionally finishing here because of the set up preparations going on for the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony in Parigi (Paris), which is where the race normally finishes. It was so nice to watch the ciclisti (cyclists), riding through the countryside of both Italia and Francia. 


So as you can see it was a very sporty holiday break, watching numerous events. I wonder if you got to watch any of the above events too? They were on tv late at night, so you may have watched the highlights the following day perhaps?


During the second week of the holidays, 11 luglio 2024, (11th July), there was an article written in the Italian newspaper, Il Globo, talking about the amazing Giornata Italiana, (Italian day), participation from all the children, staff and parents of St Fidelis' Primary School. As well as giving an overview of what activities the children participated in, I have a copy of the article in my classroom which I will be showing / reading to all the children as they come to my classes this term. Without your enthusiasm and participation, the day would not have been as successful as it was. It was certainly a fun day for all. Again, grazie a tutti! 


Alla prossima volta…Until next time, stay warm and dry.

Signora Rosa 🌹