Education in Faith
Education in Faith encompasses the following areas: Religious Education, Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments.
Education in Faith
Education in Faith encompasses the following areas: Religious Education, Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments.
Dear God,
please bless my grandparents
and for the life they give to me.
For the ways they helped me
and made me strong.
I give thanks for the ways they love me
no matter what,
I rejoice.
As a catholic learning community, we will be celebrating Grandparents Day. In recognition to this day, we will be celebrating by having mass this Friday the 26th of July at 9.15am. We invite all grandparents and special people in your children's lives to attend this celebration.
Our Eucharist candidates will be celebrating the Sacrament of Eucharist on Saturday the 3rd of August at 6.00pm at St Fidelis' church.
Eucharist Workshop: Thank you to all our families who attended the Eucharist workshop last Thursday evening. This is one way in which as a family we prepare our children for the Sacrament of Eucharist. As we continue to prepare for this celebration we ask that you continue to dialogue about the various learning opportunities provided by the school and to share your faith and understanding about the Sacrament of Eucharist with your child.
Retreat Day: As we continue to prepare our children for the Sacrament of Eucharist, the children will have the opportunity to engage in a Retreat Day. This will take place at school and all Year 4 children are invited to attend. The day will be facilitated by myself (Annette Gasbarro) and Ian Vergal. Ian is a Seminarian who has engaged in Sacramental retreat days with St Fidelis over the years. A hot lunch will be provided for the Year 4 children and they can wear casual clothes.
Last Friday, Brother Doug from St Vinnies collected all the donations that were made. He was very grateful and appreciative of all that was donated. He expressed many thanks to the St Fidelis' community for all your kind donations.
Annette Gasbarro
Religious Education Leader.
God Bless and have a great week