Energy Breakthrough


HPV and Pushcart Team News


Over the past few weeks it has been action packed with a parent meeting taking place, training ramping up and both teams were announced to the school community at assembly. 


Two weeks ago fundraising Cadbury chocolates were sent home with all HPV and Push Cart students. This is to raise money for various things such as materials for building a new push cart and the upcoming Maryborough event. 


Training has been frequent and focused with the students applying themselves well.

Our fastest lap times around the school track are as follows:


James M- 45 seconds (2 weeks in a row) 

and a 

Personal Best last week of 44 seconds Kobe J 45 seconds

Here are a few updates about Pushcart Energy Breakthrough events coming up:

.        Friday September 20th: There will be a fundraising event at the Bendigo Cinemas for the Push Cart Team. The movie is "Runt" and anyone is invited to attend. Tickets are available for purchase right now. They are being sold on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8:30-9am at the front of the school. Please see poster for details. 


·       A group chat has been set up by one of our mums (thanks Hayley) for all Push Cart parents to make communication easier in terms of training and other important updates.


·      Reminder- Training is after school on Thursdays until 4:15pm



From Dean and Callum 
and the Energy Breakthrough Team (Tristan, Daneeka and Kate)



Halfway mark of the term and we have had some incredible sessions back on track. Our experienced riders have led the way upon return with 6 students setting new PB sessions which have included consecutive 50+ lap stints, averages dipping below the 42 second mark, and from our grade 5 students 4 riders dropped below 39 seconds for the very first time at Tom Flood.


Along with our increased training loads, we have taken time out to visit Monash Human Powered as part of their HP outreach program, learning about 3D printing, rider development and Aerodynamics. 


Our test and tune day has been a great success with the team working on developing effective communication from pit to rider across a session. Take a look at our sessions in action below.