Specialist Subjects

 Physical Education

Gymnastics 3-6

Our senior students had an awesome time at Jet's Gym during weeks 4 & 5. Check out some photos on the class pages. Thanks to the wonderful staff at Jet's for their fun and inclusive program. 


Gym P-2 Term 4 week 1 & 2

Next term it'll be time for our juniors to go to gym. This will also be at Jet's. Look out for a compass post soon. 


P-2 swim lessons 

Our grade prep-2 students recently finished their swimming lessons at Paul Sadler. It was fantastic to see so many young people achieving their first dives, strokes and entries whilst building their water confidence. You can see photos on their class pages. 


5/6 Volleyball 

Our grade 5/6 girls and boys Volleyball teams went to the Red Energy Arena on Thursday in week 6. Unfortunately, it wasn't a successful day on the courts but we all had lots of fun and improved throughout the day. 


Important Dates Coming Up:

Term 3

  • Division Basketball - September 6
  • Division Aths - September 16

Term 4

  • Prep - 2 Gym - October 7-9 & 14-16
  • Div Cricket - October 25

- Mr. Smyth


Grade 3-6 - We have continued our work on creating compositions of various types and for a range of purposes. Over the last few weeks, students have been creating pieces of music for movie clips. They have been shown the importance of music in movies and how the style and performance of the music can alter the viewer's experience of what they are seeing. 

Grade 5 and 6 students expanded their group sizes to 4, with two students playing "strings" sounds on the keyboard, while the other pair created complimentary piano parts for a sad scene from the movie "Up".


Grade 1-2 - We continue with our Genre Wars warm ups, listening to two pieces of music from different genres each week, and voting which we like the best. The children are weird and I can't tell if I am proud or worried about their tastes (one class overwhelmingly voted for Technical Death Metal. Sorry... you're welcome?)

They have also been exploring creating their own short pieces of music in pairs, using our knowledge of bars and beats to create simple, four note compositions. They are learning to add further elements to this, such as harmony.



Grade Prep - Students are learning all about the magical number 4 (and 8) and to be able to count that many beats when playing. We have visited the Green Nest to play our drum pads (I'm sure the neighbours loved it!) and we have been learning to play drama games fairly and understand that losing is part of having fun. 



-Mr. Mayes

Visual Arts

Can you believe the term is nearing the end already, many of our students have made incredible progress in a term which has had a major focus on technical skills, visual art vocabulary and as always the creation of amazing works of art across all different topics and mediums. Keep an eye on the student gallery in the coming weeks as we hand more of the works that have been made by our budding artists.





Size and Shape Specifiers (SASS): these are handshapes used to describe the referent by outlining its shape and size, these vary according to the shape of the object. 

We use SASS for signing people, objects and animals. 

For example, the outline of a window frame. Or the shape of a large ball compared to the outline of a much smaller ball.


We used headbands and practiced signing SASS to try and discover what type of ball we were. We had football, basketball, tennis ball and bowling ball to name a few. 

Check out our SASS signing. 



-Miss E