School News

Term 3, 2024

Staff 2024
Staff 2024

Dear Parents and Carers, 


I hope this newsletter finds you all well and enjoying the first hints of spring. We've had an incredibly busy and rewarding few weeks at our school, and I'm excited to share some updates and highlights with you all.

School Saving Bonus: Important!

In Term 4, 2024, families with a child enrolled in a government school from Prep to Year 12 in 2025 will receive the one-off $400 School Saving Bonus.


The $400 School Saving Bonus provides families with support for education-related costs, such as school activities and/or school uniforms and textbooks.


The School Saving Bonus is not available for full-fee international students, home schooled students, TAFE students and students attending kindergarten in 2025.   


Actions for parents and carers

Before 18 October 2024, the Department of Education is asking parents and carers to:

  • Complete enrolment: If your child, or children are changing government school for Term 1 2025, or starting Prep or Year 7 in 2025. For more information, read about Enrolling in School. 
  • Check your contact information: Please ensure your email address and phone number is up to date with us - this is really important for any communication relating to this grant. You can check this information by contacting us directly.

To ensure your contact information is up to date, the Department of Education will email you twice:

  • in October, to verify your email address
  • in November, with your $400 School Saving Bonus.

Please check your junk mail regularly to make sure you do not miss an important email.

To learn more about the School Saving Bonus, download the School Saving Bonus Information sheet for government school parents and carers or visit


Parent Feedback: Shaping Our School Together


A heartfelt thank you to all parents who participated in our recent school survey. We received over 50 responses, providing us with invaluable insights into your perspectives on our school's strengths and areas for improvement. Your feedback helps us continually enhance our educational programs and school environment. We're currently analysing the results and will share a summary in next month's newsletter.

Swimming Program: Building Water Confidence


Last week, our Prep to Grade 2 students participated in their annual swimming program at Paul Sadler Swimland. It's crucial for our young learners to build vital water safety skills, and we're proud of their progress. Many students who were initially hesitant around water are now confidently splashing and learning basic strokes. A special shout-out to our parent volunteers who assisted with changing and supervision.


The Blurbs Band Performance: A Musical Celebration of Literature


On August 15th, we were treated to a fantastic performance by The Blurbs band. They played songs inspired by the recently nominated texts in the Children's Book of the Year Awards. It was so great to see our students dancing and singing along to literary-inspired tunes. A special mention goes to Mr. Price for his graceful ballerina rendition during the "Ballet Shoes" song – it was quite a sight and had everyone in stitches! 


The annual Book Week celebration is always a favourite. I would like to thank all parents, guardians, grandparents, family or friends who helped to put our student's costumes together. The students absolutely love this celebration of literacy - and so do we.


I would like to thank Mrs Lister for all of her work in this space.

Working with Children Check Reminder: Ensuring Student Safety


I'd like to remind all parents who wish to volunteer at our school that a current Working with Children Check is required. This is to ensure the safety and well-being of all our students, which is our top priority. If you need assistance with the application process, please don't hesitate to contact our office staff.

Upcoming Pupil-Free Day: Teacher Professional Development


Please note that we have a pupil-free curriculum day scheduled for Tuesday, September 10th. This day allows our teachers to engage in professional development and curriculum planning. Staff will be focusing on the refinement of our literacy and numeracy program and approach to differentiated learning.


Thank you for your continued support of our school community. Your involvement and enthusiasm make Epsom Primary School a vibrant and nurturing place for our students to learn and grow. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.


Warm regards,


Julie Ladd
