Thank you from Montmorency Eltham RSL

I would like to thank you for once again being a part of our commemorative service for Remembrance Day this Monday gone. Since changing how we conduct our Remembrance Day services we have seen a steady growth in the involvement by the community and attendance from schools and the general public. This year's service, was particularly special as it was a prelude to the unveiling of the Conway Cross that now sits within our RSL. This cross sat as a substitute till a granite headstone was created for the grave of PTE Conway who died in Europe during the First World War. The cross is in excellent condition and even smattered with the dirt that was placed upon PTE Conway's final resting place. It is only one of three crosses left in this country and to our knowledge in existence.
The service that your school was a part of was also more comprehensive and showed great involvement, dedication and intelligence from all students involved. Poems and addresses were written by the students themselves, and those parts of the service where the material was provided was sung or spoken with such eloquence and beauty as befitting the occasion. To quote one of the pieces of feedback I have received "We thought that last year was the best service we had ever seen at Monty, but this year just surpassed it, everything was perfect even the children laying the poppies did an excellent job for something so simple".
We look forward to having your school attend again next year. And please remember that we encourage as many from your community to come who are able. Help us to continue to build this day and continue the level of excellence that your school has enabled us to achieve.
Thank you all again. I hope you are as proud of your students as I am.
Timothy Riley
MERSL Commemorations Officer
Petrie Park, Mountain View Rd
Montmorency, 3094.