Classroom News
Classroom News
Wow, what another busy two weeks in the F/1 beehive! There’s been laughter, learning, and lots of buzzing activity as we reach just over the halfway point of the term. From unforgettable excursions to exciting classroom learning, we’ve had a hive of fun. Here are some F/1 highlights from Week 6 and 7:
Pevan and Sarah Fun Day Out: What an adventure we had on our F/1 Fun Day Out! The Pevan and Sarah concert was an absolute hit, with everyone singing, dancing, and clapping along to their catchy tunes. It was so special to see everyone smiling and having a blast together. After the concert, we swapped microphones for bowling balls and headed to tenpin bowling, where we cheered each other on with every strike and spare! What a day to remember!
Learning Alliteration: Our writing lessons have been filled with tongue-twisting fun as we dived into alliteration! The students have been crafting clever sentences like “Sally’s slippery snake slithered silently” and “Max munches marvellous mangoes.” It’s been amazing to see their creativity shine as they explore this new writing tool.
Whole-School Multi Age Activities: Last week, we joined the whole school for multiage activities focusing on Sport, STEM, and Art. It was wonderful to see the F/1 students collaborating with older peers. From creating colorful art pieces to making BeeBot mats in STEM and playing team sports, everyone was engaged, excited, and learning so much.
These past two weeks have been packed with growth, joy, and new experiences. A big thank you to all the parents, staff, and community helpers who’ve made these moments possible. Here’s to another fortnight of buzzing fun in the beehive!
Gratitude Check In
Name | What are you grateful for … |
AJ | I’m grateful for friends and family. |
Kynan | I’m grateful for God and friends. |
Tully | I’m grateful for my curly hair. |
George | I’m grateful for breathing. |
Harlow | I’m grateful for a roof over my head and teachers. |
Alex | I’m grateful for the world. |
Marla | I’m grateful for having good memories. |
Addie | I’m grateful for Marla and all my friends. |
Oonagh | I’m grateful for technology and my family. |
Heidi | I’m grateful for my family and friends. |
Ollie | I’m grateful for Riley. |
Tom | I’m grateful for money. |
Charlie | I’m grateful for friends. |
Writing - Text Based Unit
This week we finished our unit on ‘Go Go and the Silver Shoes’. To showcase our learning we wrote a scene between Ellie and Go Go where Go Go told Ellie all about the picnic she went on. In our writing we experimented with quotation marks and action verbs.
Over the past couple of weeks, there have been lots of fun things happening across the school. Here are some of our highlights that the students wanted to share:
Summer Sports Day:
Charli- Because I made new friends and got to see some of my old friends.
Ryder- I liked seeing my cousins .
Edith- I liked seeing people from other schools.
James- I enjoyed the Summer Sports because we got to play games.
Hudson- I enjoyed seeing my friends from footy.
Maddie- I enjoyed learning new games.
Jaxon- Summer sports because I got to make a new friend Jed.
Francis- I got to see my friends from St. Augustines and I made new friends too.
Carter- I liked seeing my cousins.
Daphne- I liked that we got to make new friends.
Maddie O’Brien- I’ve enjoyed Inquiry because we get to make music and I like the song that we are rehearsing in preparation for our end of year celebration.
Maddi Old- It's been fun completing the subtraction and addition worksheets in Maths.
Francis: I have enjoyed learning about Advent and what the colours of the candles represent in Religion. In Inquiry, I loved how we got to audition to sing and we get to play music on the xylophone.
Whole School Rotations / Movie Day:
Stevie- I liked how we could play games for the whole day.
Zara and Sophie- We liked watching ‘The Little Rascals’.
Tongala Aged Care:
Charli- I like that I’ve been able to make new friends and play games with them.
Lani- I like spending time with the residents because it's a good chance to get to know them well.
Sydnee- I like that we get to make new friends and we get to do arts and crafts.
Friday Treat- Zooper dooper/ Ice-cream Sundae:
Maddi Old- The ice poles and ice creams have been good for a cool down.
Edith- I like that they’re cheap.
Sydnee- I like how they give you a lot of ice-cream and you get to pick what you get on top.
Liam- I learnt how to hit the ball.
Maddi Old- I enjoyed going to my first Assembly.
Maddie O’Brien- I like how everyone gets congratulated by getting their awards.
We have started learning about Location this week. The students really enjoy this topic as they look at maps, grids and using locational language. Next week, we will be delving into transformation which involves creating symmetrical patterns, pictures and shapes.
We have been attending sessions each Tuesday to learn the basics of Pickelball. We have some future stars in Grade 4!!! Have a look at our photos, the students listened well and put these skills into practice.
Inquiry - Music
Morgan visited our class and helped us write our own music! The students created their own tune and wrote these notes on a staff. They then performed their masterpieces to the rest of the class.
We are also well on the way to perfecting our class performance for the musical morning tea! We can’t wait to be able to perform our piece to the school community!
What an exciting term it has been so far in Grade 5/6! We are buzzing with anticipation as we prepare for our upcoming camp to Queenscliff. The students can't wait to try their hand at surfing, boogie boarding, fishing, and so many other thrilling activities that promise to be unforgettable.
In Maths, we are wrapping up our assessments for the year. It’s been great to see the growth and improvements students have achieved.
We had a fantastic time at the Grade 5/6 Summer Sports day, playing ultimate frisbee, sofcross, and teeball against schools from our area. It was a VERY hot day, and while the heat meant the event was cut short, we had an absolute blast cooling off under the sprinklers at the Northern Oval. It was a much-needed reprieve and added an extra element of fun to the day!
Our Grade 6 students have been diving into a trip down memory lane as they prepare their graduation videos. Looking through photos of their years at St Patrick's has brought back great memories and a few laughs!
In Literacy, we are captivated by our text-based unit on The Magician’s Nephew. C.S. Lewis has us intrigued with Queen Jadis and her motives with Digory and Polly. We’ve been exploring foreshadowing and appreciating how Lewis uses humour to lighten tense moments in the story—it’s been a fantastic discussion starter!
For our Inquiry Celebration, our performance of We Will Rock You is really coming together. The addition of our vocals has taken it to the next level, and we can’t wait to share it with everyone.
We’ve been honing our skills in Pickleball with Michael Maskell. The students are learning the finer points of the game, and we’re starting to see some impressive rallies during our matches.
It’s been a busy and rewarding time
in Grade 5/6 as we prepare to head off for Queenscliff on Monday! Surf’s up!!