Sports News

It’s one thing to represent your school at District or Division or Regional level, however this week we had our ten Year 5 & 6 girls play & represent St. Finbar’s in a State SSV Basketball Final. This team of girls had proven themselves over the three lead-up tournaments, in which they won at each stage. They knew they’d have to ‘bring their best game’ this week and they certainly gave it their all.
The girls met St. Mary’s Echuca for their first game, where they were able to get rid of their nerves and put together a convincing win 28 - 13. They quickly learnt that their biggest rivals was going to be their second match - against St Joseph’s Warrnambool - who the girls had come up against in their HoopTime State finals a couple of years back. Despite a good come-back near half time, their second half saw an early lead by St. Jo’s and this was to be their first loss. The girls then played a super tough third game against Montmorency Sth PS and kept close all game, but were out-played with some accurate shooting in the end and lost that by five points.
A massive thank you goes to the various parents over the rounds who assisted with coaching and scoring for the girls. Special mentions go to Nat & Luke Gattuso, Trevor & Imasha Collard, Kate Blake and for the other parents for scoring & helping cheer the girls along.
All ten girls are to be congratulated on their amazing efforts to get that far and for their on-court team-efforts. Our St. Finbar’s community is very proud!
Congratulations goes to: Anjelika B, Evie G, Amelia C, Maddison B, Emersyn O, Amelia C, Chaewon L, Isla M, Sophie E and Alana C.
Many thanks to all families that have accepted permission for their child/ren to attend next Friday’s Swimming carnival at MSAC pool (Friday 29th November). As this is a whole school event with so many involved, it’s very much appreciated if everyone can please accept permission for their child to attend. Thank you…
PARENT HELPERS: A massive thank you to the dozens of parents that have offered their time & efforts with the Junior or Senior, or both carnivals! Sooo grateful…
*PLEASE ASSUME YOUR SUPPORT & TIME IS REQUIRED*. An email will go out to all helpers with their specific role and confirmed time of support by Monday 25th.
HOUSE SWIMMING CAPS: Please ensure your child/ren have their House coloured swimming cap set to go. Replacement house-coloured high quality silicon caps can be purchased from the office if required.
Year 3-6 EVENT SELECTION: Next week all classes will share with students a summary of the events that students have selected to swim in. *If your child hasn’t already, please get them to write them down on a piece of paper - to take to the carnival for a quick-reference guide. It helps when students know what they’re to marshall for. Many thanks!
All items to bring are found on the Operoo permission email sent out a few weeks ago.
We look forward to a brilliant day of competitive efforts, house-spirit and participation!
WELL DONE - Lucien B (2Z) and Gisele B (PB)
We love to celebrate our sporting and recreational achievements of our students and this is an exciting one! Siblings; Lucien & Gisele B., participated on the weekend in the 2024 Australian Korean Masters Association Taekwondo Championships. Lucien won Gold and Gisele won Silver in their respective divisions. They proudly wore their medals to school on Monday to show their classmates.
During the competition, Lucien won one of his round matches by immediately executing a strong kick and a punch accurately. It was worth a lot of points and proved too hard for his opponent to come back. Well done Lucien!
Gisele's opponents were ferocious in their attacks, however showed perseverance in her fights and came away winning a silver medal! The most impressive move was within her grand final match where she was able to execute a spinning roundhouse kick to help her win.
Congratulations to both Lucien and Gisele on their amazing efforts and achievements with their Taekwondo.