News From 3K

It’s been an exciting Term 4 so far for 3K, with lots of learning opportunities, tied in with a number of sporting and curricular-enriched experiences! Through the Seven Steps of Writing program, 3K have been developing their Information report and poem writing skills, such as a haiku poem. Maths has had a major focus on formal measuring, including angles, capacity, volume and mass.
In a Faith Life, 3K have been immersed in a unit called; ‘The Australian continent - what makes Australia special?’. Students have researched and explored all the special places found within Australia, being able to differentiate between natural and man-made features, including buildings, landmarks, `` natural features and landforms. To celebrate this unit of learning about special places and features, all of Year 3 & 4 are very excited to be going into Melbourne Central in the city to the MONOPOLY DREAMS - Melbourne excursion on the 6th of December! We can’t wait.
Last week, we also had a FANTASTICO time celebrating our ITALIAN ‘Carnivale-themed’ DAY. We loved the surprise parade at Assembly, where we had a very special visit from the famous Mr Oopy, we watched Anna make arancini and we also got to participate in a human Foosball game out on the Mary Clare court!
Here are some of our thoughts about Carnivale:
On Italian Day I really enjoyed the parade. Once we were all sitting down at the assembly, no one knew where Seniora was and I was really curious. I looked around but couldn’t find her and then the video played and all the teachers started coming out. I really like how all the teachers dress up and you couldn’t tell who they were. We tried to guess which teacher was which. It was really fun! - Charlotte
My favourite thing about Italian day was the giant foosball court. It was so much fun! When I was playing I was the goal keeper of my team and I had to save a lot of games. We ended up winning the mini game. My team celebrated after we won! - Milo
When Mr Oopy came out from the orange doors we went crazy! We jumped up and down, screamed and couldn’t stop smiling. Mima even cried happy tears! We sang and danced to the Mr Oopy theme song. BEST. DAY. EVER! - Mima & Victoria
I loved when we did human foosball because it showed good teamwork and it was really fun. I also like when Ms Siriani and Mr Oopy embraced in front of everything. The arancini workshop was super fun because I got to go up and help Anna shape the arancinis. - Jack
My favourite part of Italian day was the costumes. I wore a big puffy green dress that matched my carnival mask I made. Ms Siriani gave me a prize for one of the best outfits. That made me feel surprised and happy at the same time. - Mia O
My favourite part of Italian day was the foosball because I got to play with all my friends. We played 3K vs 3G in groups and I got to play goalkeeper. In my team I had Liam, Harley, Teddy, Alex & Mima. We won our game 16 - 13 so it was a super close match. - Ben A
For lunch I got the Panni with Mortadella and I got Bombolone with jam inside. The bombolone was so good that I wanted it to last forever. You could also get arancini with pesto or bolognese. The classroom smelt like a restaurant in Italy. I’m sure everyone in the school loved their lunch order! - Nico.