Religious Education

Year 3 Family Mass
Thank you to our wonderful Year 3 community for your participation in the Family Mass on Saturday evening. Your presence brought a special warmth to the celebration.
We are especially grateful to Father Ian for leading us in prayer, and to our dedicated Year 3 teachers—Miss Nonie Kay, Miss Annalisa Gourley, and Mrs. Tania Thompson—for their support in preparing the students.
A big thank you also goes to our incredible Year 3 Parent Reps for organizing the cake stall, which was a delicious highlight and greatly appreciated by all.
Your contributions help make our school and parish community so vibrant and welcoming!
Gospel Reflection - Sunday 24th November
Gospel Reading
John 18:33b-37
Jesus is questioned by Pilate about the charge brought against him that he is “King of the Jews.”
Family Connection
Understanding today’s feast of Christ the King may be particularly challenging. While most of us do not have direct experience with kings or royalty, we have a sense of who they are. We know that royalty have sovereignty over their kingdoms. We know that those who are subjects to royalty offer them allegiance and honour. To understand how Christ is our king, we extend and magnify what we know to be true of the best of human royalty. Christ’s kingship extends to all places, all people, and all times. Christ manifests his kingship through his death on the cross in which he offered salvation to everyone. Those who can see with eyes of faith recognise Jesus to be our heavenly king.
As you gather as a family, recall that this Sunday is the last Sunday in the Church year and on this Sunday we celebrate the feast of Christ the King. Talk together about what it means to be a king or queen. How do those who are subjects behave toward royalty? Invite children to role-play what one does in the presence of royalty. Read today’s Gospel, John 18:33b-37. Ask your family to discuss these questions: Does Pilate treat Jesus like royalty? (No.) What does Jesus say about his kingdom? (It is not of this world.) Talk about how your family shows honour and obedience to Christ our King. Pray together the Lord’s
Prayer and ask God to help your family act in ways that show you recognise and honour Christ as King.
Steele Anderson
Deputy Principal / RE Leader