Student of the week
Raffle Winners & Birthday Congratulations
Student of the week
Raffle Winners & Birthday Congratulations
Student of the Week
Prep /1 Pascoe Lewis Fornaro
Gr 1/ 2 Trickey Archie Trist
Gr 1 /2 Wright Nate Spiers
Gr 3/4 Ross Sophie Godden
Gr 3/ 4 Irwin Harmony Murphy
Gr 3/ 4 Acocks/Carroll Evelyn Pump
Gr 5/6 Rasmussen Finn Mundie
Gr 5/6 Blackman/Watson Cooper Rasmussen
ART Jerome Murray
PE Chase Warren
Library Ellah Widjaja
Jordan Moroney, Noah Stanworth, Indi Kennedy, Tom Lothian, Ralph Murray, Maxwell Morgan
Birthday Congratulations
Finley Traill