Principal's Report

Senka King

Shona – Leader for the Day

A very determined and focused student in Year 4 collected her PAC acknowledgement cards since Year 1 so that she could experience a Leadership Day. I am impressed with Shona’s persistence and her ability to resist temptation over such a long period of time. Last Friday, Shona experienced her Leadership Day which included participating in a Leadership meeting with the Assistant Principals, assisting in the office, assisting Ms. Scott with facilities, making announcements and participating in assembly. 

During the day, Shona displayed a level of maturity well beyond her years. She asked lots of questions, shared her ideas and opinions and displayed curiosity and a genuine interest in all areas of the school. I have included a photo and a recount by Shona.

 Well done Shona, I trust you had a fantastic day.



On Friday the 15th of November, I became part of the Leadership team for the day. I got to be in meetings with Ms Scott, Mrs Rogers and Mrs King.  I visited Ms Emma and Miss Myall and helped Ms Scott around the school (one of the things I did was clean the boys toilets after lunch play time). 

It was an amazing experience getting to see behind the scenes at DPW.

I really enjoyed it. 


Shona 4B 




Getting ready for the end of the year 

  1. Please ensure that you check the calendar of events you have been provided (paper copy) and the updated information on our weekly school newsletter so that you keep track of the different events happening such as Celebrations of Learning on Thursday 28th November and the whole school concert on Friday 13th December.
  2. Paper copy of end of year and beginning of year will be send out next week – Keep this on the fridge
  3. Compass – ensure that your compass account is working, and you know how to access your children’s reports which will be published in the last week of the year.
  4. School Council – last meeting for the year is Tuesday 10th December
  5. Are you moving out of the area? Please let the office know 

Guidance for School Saving Bonus

A reminder that the link to allocate your $400 will be emailed out starting next Tuesday. It is sent out in batches over 3 days so you may get yours on Wednesday or Thursday. You can allocate this money to the following items:

  • Uniform (including hats)
  • Excursions/incursions
  • Year 5 camp 

Please think carefully about what amounts you allocate to each area as no changes can be made once money is allocated. Any unspent allocated money after June 30th will be transferred back into your school account for excursions and camps to use in the future. 


Parental Payments – Book Packs

Thank you to the parents who have already paid for the book pack (all the supplies your children need for school next year – pencils, books, art materials etc) and taking advantage of the $10 discount. If you pay in cash this year it is $130. Next year, you can pay by card or cash and the cost is $140.


No school tomorrow

Reminder there is no school for students tomorrow, Friday the 22nd of November.


Kindest regards, 


Senka King
