Week 8 and Week 9

As we head into the last week of the school year, we have lots happening around the school. Please note the important events below.

Christmas Concert - Friday 29 November

Friday is our annual Christmas Concert and we are looking forward to all our students performing. The sounds of them rehearsing their songs has been heard around the school grounds all week and would look forward to a joyful celebration.

Parking will be available on the oval accessible via Bronzewing Avenue and we encourage all families to use this as their first option. The gate next to Year One will be open for families to walk through from the bottom oval to the school. There will be no sausage sizzle this year so please bring your own picnic, chairs and blankets on the night. A reminder that this is an alcohol free event.


Further information regarding costumes has been sent to each class via email. 

Awards Assembly - Thursday 5 December

St Helena's will celebrate our Awards Assembly on Thursday 5 December in the Undercover Area at 8:30am. All families are invited to attend.

Year 6's Final Week


Year 6 Graduation Mass - Tuesday 3 December


Guard of Honour Farewell - Friday 6 December

To celebrate our Graduating Class of 2024, all students will form a Guard of Honour to farewell the Year 6s on the last day of term. Parents and Caregivers of the Graduands are asked to assemble outside the library where the Year 6 students will conclude their walk through the school grounds. The Guard of Honour will commence at 2:00pm.