Year 2 

Hello from 2H

Our learning and celebrations in Term 4… 


Inquiry – ‘How can everyday materials be changed and made into something else?’ Sustainability environmental focus. 


Science – Watch It Grow. 


Introduced UFLI - systematic synthetic phonics program in Year 2. 

Year 2 swimming at King Swim. 


World Kindness Day on Wednesday 13th November. 


Year 2 Myuna Farm excursion on Tuesday 3rd December. 


Elijah Inquiry – I loved how we used the recycled materials because I made a submarine with my mum. 
Olivia Science – we’re going to see if the carrots will grow in the cup for a science experiment. 
Aivah UFLI – I like when we read the decodable text to our partner. 
April Swimming – I liked picking up the brick in the water and going on the bus.
Beorn World Kindness Day means that we celebrate being kind to others and not letting other people be unkind to you. 
Ashane Inquiry – I liked making the recycled material product and I loved Elijah helping me make a submarine. 
Cooper Science – I liked squishing the cotton wool balls into the cup for the plant science experiment. 
 Eleanor UFLI – I like doing the ‘sound and pound’ and using the ‘show me board’. 
Angus Swimming – I liked going on the bus and playing to pick up the sinkies. 
Michael World Kindness Day means we are kind to everyone. 
Chelsea Inquiry – I loved making a water dispenser in class with Olivia. 
Mason Science – I am enjoying planting the seedlings in the cotton wool cup. 
MujibullahUFLI – I like using my ‘show me board’ and doing ‘pound and sound’. 
Victor Swimming – I loved swimming in the group with Jordan and floating on my back. 
Ava World Kindness Day is about being kind to everyone. 
Zara Inquiry – I liked using my materials with Hattie to make a snowman. 
Keith Science – I liked cutting and pasting animals into animal groups. 
Hattie UFLI – I like the ‘pound and sound’ and ‘show me board’. 
Jordan Swimming – I liked diving down to pick up the sinkies. 
Violet World Kindness Day means when everyone is kind to each other. 
Harriet Inquiry – I enjoyed making a doll house with recycled materials and we could choose what we wanted to make. 
Finn Science – I like looking at the life cycle of the frog and I learnt the eggs become a tadpole then it becomes a frog. 
Alfi UFLI – I like the ‘pound and sound’ and using ‘show me board’.