Year 3

Hello from 3D

Welcome to Term 4 with 3D. We have had the most incredible term filled with fun and learning.


During Maths we have focused on strategies for multiplying and dividing, reading and writing decimals including tenths and hundredths, understanding fractions and we have worked with 2D and 3D shapes.


Throughout English, we have focused on using effective vocabulary when writing Persuasive, Narrative and Poetry writing.  We are all writing superstars who know how to read back over our own work to check and edit. We finished our class novel, “The Iron Man”.  We couldn’t believe the twist!  What a crazy story filled with interesting language.


Bike Education was a definite highlight of the Term.  Mr E was a legendary teacher, and Mrs Devers did the best that she could.  We learned about bike safety, and improved our bike riding skills.


Food Science with Alice was another popular experience.  We have mini chefs in this classroom, who can follow a recipe and even clean up after themselves!


Thanks again for all of your support.  We are happy students in 3D.