Principal's Report

The Beginning of 2025
Who returns when?
Teachers: Tuesday 28th January
Years 1-6: Wednesday 29th January
Preps: Start Thursday 30th January at 10am. (some preps will have a scheduled appointment on 29th January for one-on-one assessment with classroom teacher)
Christmas Concert – 11th December
We have our fingers crossed for some nice weather ahead.
Our concert will be on the oval commencing at 5.30pm. Each class will perform their class item. Students are to sit with their family to enjoy the evening. Students are to make their way to the side of the stage 2 items prior to their class item.
We will have a BBQ on the night, please support our PFA by buying a sausage or a drink or both. BBQ open for sales at 5pm. All payments are by card only. NO CASH AT ALL ON THE NIGHT.
- Sausages $3.00
- Cans of Drink $2.00
- Water $2.00
- Zooper Doopers $1.00
The PFA will also be running a HUGE raffle with a chance to win Gold Class tickets or an iPad. Tickets also for sale on the night by CARD only. 3 tickets for $5.00
Step Up
Next Monday we begin our annual Step Up program. This is an opportunity for students to see and hear from some of the teachers currently working in that year level about the programs and curriculum they will participate in during 2025. Our final part of our step up program will be on Monday 16th December, where students will meet their 2025 teachers, find out their class mates and what room they will be in next year.
Creating classes is an arduous task and takes several weeks to complete. I thank Mr B for his work once again in working with our staff to make this happen as seamlessly as possible.
iCan sign up
Any students in Year 5 and 6 in 2025 are welcome to try out for the walk. We will have lots of training walks leading up to the event. There are some minimum requirements with participation in training that is required to ensure you are ready for the challenge.
We will be walking from St Kilda (Luna Park) to Frankston (Foreshore) on Tuesday 1st April. This is approximately 40km.
Scheduled training walks for the remainder of the year will occur on:
- Friday 6th December 8am
- Friday 13th December 8am
- Friday 20th December 8am
Various training walks during January school holidays.
Parent/Guardian permission will be required for students to attend these training walks. Please get on QKR and sign permission by 4th December – 4pm cut off.
Have a great fortnight,
Mrs Pepper