Leadership Centre
Selamat Siang,
What a fantastic week we have had in the Leadership Centre, finishing off with Year 6 Road Rides today. We are so proud of the perseverance and love of learning students have shown during Bike Ed.
In Maths, students have been investigating shapes and transformations on the cartesian plane.
In English students continued drafting their narratives and have had some time to read each other's writing and work on editing together. Some really interesting narratives are taking shape and it has been so entertaining to read! You could ask your child to share what they have written so far with you.
Hope you all have a great week ahead!
The 5/6 Leadership Team
Attention Year 6 Families - Baby Photos for Graduation
We are looking forward to celebrating Year 6 Graduation at the end of the year, with preparations already underway!
One of our beloved traditions is sharing three baby photos from between the ages of 0-5 as part of the presentation. We are asking if you could please email gradesixgraduation@gmail.com with these three photos by November 29th. We usually recommend one baby photo, one as a toddler and one around kinder age but any family favourites will be great! Also, if your child attended another school prior to MPRPS and you have their school photo, it would also be much appreciated if you could send those though.
We will send reminder emails over the coming weeks, but we like to get an early start as it takes a while to collate everything! Thank you so much for your support.
- SunSmart - hats MUST be worn every day, please ensure your child has a hat clearly label with their name.
- Please keep an eye out on Sentral, as there will be information coming out for year 6 graduation.
Pupil of the Week
5/6C - Kimaya T
For demonstrating enthusiasm and perseverance during the Bike Ed program.
5/6S - Ryan R
For demonstrating a love of learning and perseverance, working through his learning pit, exploring slope intercept and gradients of a line on a Cartesian plane.
5/6FL - Jessica C
For demonstrating curiosity and sharing insightful commentary while analysing ‘The Boy in the Wooden Box’ during literature circles.
5/6E - Atharv J
For demonstrating enthusiasm and love of learning when following instructions to plot points on a Cartesian plane.
5/6N - Isaac T
Well done on using your love of learning and persistence when working through the maths task this week!