Connections Centre
Specialist Feature News: Indonesian
Selamat Siang,
Over the last week, students have been exploring different aspects of Indonesian culture and geography! Foundation have been learning about Kuda Lumping, a stylised horse used in a dance from Java. In 1/2, students have been learning about Bali and making penjor or canang sari. 3/4 students explored places of interest using research from a variety of maps and used Woiwurrung Indigenous symbols to place it on a map of Indonesia. And finally in 5/6 students are creating skylines of Indonesia, ensuring they have researched what places, cities or buildings are being represented!
Terima Kasih,
The Specialist Team
Yana Gill, Marissa Mundy, Natalie Palmer, Hamish Burrill, Steph Muratovic and Beth Cardy
Pupil of the Week
Physical Education
Junior - Maahir M (1/2A)
For demonstrating perseverance and love of learning when playing switch tag.
Senior - Mia H (5/6FL)
For demonstrating a love of learning and creativity when creating her "pick me" video.
Visual Arts
Junior - Sophie W (1/2KS)
For consistently demonstrating a love of learning, creativity and teamwork in all Visual art lessons.
Senior - Ruben O (3/4K)
For demonstrating a love of learning and perseverance in our Animal Clay modelling art portfolio.
Junior - Claire G (1/2A)
For channelling your curiosity to research the Diplodocus dinosaur! Your fact page was very detailed and fun.
Senior - Milla K (5/6E)
For consistently demonstrating a love of learning and giving your best efforts in science. Your lab report on mould was very thorough and impressive.
Junior - Tiana U (FE)
For demonstrating excellent teamwork when creating your kuda lumping with your group. You listened carefully to everyone’s suggestions and showed respect when discussing ideas for decorations! Hebat!
Senior - Lauren Z (3/4RM)
For consistently showing curiosity and a love of learning through all Indonesian lessons. You demonstrated excellent research skills this week creating your Journey through Indonesia map! Bagus sekali!
Performing Arts
Junior - James M (FT)
For your fantastic ability to match rhythms and experiment with beat in music and for your involvement as part of the whole group ensemble.
Senior - Troy M (3/4B)
For your excellent engagement and focus to your Boomwhacker playing skills in class and responsible assistant with distributing the instruments for your class.