Holy Saviour School Bulletin

Dear Families,
Prep Transition
Yesterday we welcomed the 2025 preps for their second transition session. Yesterday's session was conducted in the library. The children were welcomed by their buddies. They then had a wonderful time in the library sharing a story, singing some songs, doing some art and craft and learning how to borrow. There are two more Prep Transition sessions this term to help them all prepare for starting school in 2025.
50th Anniversary Celebrations
As you would already be aware, Holy Saviour Parish is celebrating 50 years in 2024! We have a BIG weekend of celebrating coming up and would love to see as many families as possible join the festivities. It begins with the Feast Day Mass on Saturday 9th November at 6pm, followed by food and fellowship. The celebrations continue on Sunday 10th November with the Holy Saviour Festival from 11.00am to 7.00pm. We would love to see you all there.
Annual Poppy Appeal
The annual Poppy Appeal has supported Australian veterans and their families for many years. It helps us to honour the service and sacrifice of the people who have served our nation. At the school office are poppies and other items ranging from $2 to $10 should your family wish to donate. School / House Captains will also be selling remembrance items before and after school outside the library.
Whole School Excursion ~ Scienceworks
The children had a wonderful time today at Scienceworks and the Planetarium. Please look out for some photos and children's reflections in next week's full newsletter.
2025 Transition Sessions
Last week a letter was sent home regarding the transition sessions we are holding as part of our planning for 2025. We have two sessions planned, Wednesday 20th November and Wednesday 11th December, both sessions will run from 9am to 11am. These sessions will provide all students with the opportunity to meet their teacher and classmates for next year. There will be no formal gathering of parents, however, we will open the hall for a cuppa and mingling with new parents.
Holy Saviour Production - Turn Back Time
Also back for 2024 is our school production! Come and join us on a trip down memory lane as we celebrate 50 years of Holy Saviour Parish (& 47 years of our school!). This year, our production will be held on Thursday 5th December at the Emmaus College Performing Arts Centre. We are very excited to be able to present a production this year, the main roles have been cast, and all the students have begun rehearsals. All students will be involved in the production again this year, so please make sure you can make it!
Swimming Program
Our annual swimming program is currently underway at Swimworld Glen Waverley. Swimming will take place every Thursday for the first 8 weeks of term 4 (Thursday 10th October - Thursday 28th November)
On swim days all students must wear their bathers under their sports uniform. They must also have a bag/backpack containing their towel, thongs, goggles, underwear and a plastic bag to hold their wet items. Please also ensure that all items are clearly labeled.
All children will participate in the swimming program on the below mentioned days, and each class will have the same swim time for each of those days. Swim times for each class are as follows:
Session 1 JLC & MLC (Prep - 4) Session 2 SLC (5/6) | 12.00pm - 12.40pm 12.40pm - 1.20pm |
Please note that SwimWorld have advised that NO SPECTATORS are permitted to the swim centre. Only parents/carers who have been notified and authorised by the school and who hold a current Working With Children Check (WWCC) can be permitted to attend.
Swimming Water Safety Week
As part of the swimming program, on Thursday 21st November all children will be participating in Water Safety Week. Children will be swimming in old clothes and bathers without goggles or swim caps. It is a fantastic opportunity for the children to learn water safety and survival skills in a controlled environment. This class will also focus on what items you can use around the pool that may help you stay afloat or use as a life saving device for others.
In addition to their regular swim items (bathers, towel, thongs, underwear, plastic bag etc), children will be also be required to bring:
- An old set of clothes to wear over their bathers in the water such as t-shirt and shorts, bike shorts, leggings or light short pajamas (no jeans, tracksuits, hoodies or jumpers)
- An extra plastic bag for the wet clothing.
- no goggles or swimming caps will be worn during this session.
At the end of the session all children who participate will receive a Water Safety Certificate and a Squirt Tattoo.
School Fees
Please note that Term 4 school fees are now due and all school fees must be paid by Friday 6th December. Statements were emailed to families last week. If you have any questions or need to discuss your financial arrangements, please contact the office.
Term 4 Uniform
We remind parents and children that term 4 has a ‘No Hat – No Play’ Sunsmart policy. Children must have their hats for every break and PE lesson this term. It must also be a proper Holy Saviour hat, normal caps with other logos are not our school uniform and children will not be allowed to play unless it is the proper hat. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Second Hand Summer Uniforms
Second hand summer uniforms are currently set up in the office's boardroom. If anyone is interested in purchasing a second hand uniform, please come in and speak with either Sherridan or Kerry oremail the officewith your request and sizing requirements and we will check to see if the item is available. If it is, we will notify you. All we charge for second hand uniforms is a gold coin donation. Please note however that not all sizes and items will be in stock.
Prep 2025 Enrolments
We have had great interest in Prep for 2025, as well as other year levels, and we’ve had a good number of enrolments come through already. If you have a child who is eligible to start Prep in 2025, please submit your enrolment at your earliest convenience. This will enable us to develop a clear picture of classing and group sizes for 2025. Enrolments for 2025 are to be made through the Emmaus portal.
Catholic Secondary School Enrolment Applications
Key Enrolment Dates for Year 5 Students in 2025 starting Year 7 in 2027
The key enrolment dates for students in Year 5 in 2025 who will be starting Year 7 in 2027 have been agreed after consultation with the Executive of the Principals Association of Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools (PAVCSS).
The timeline of events and dates are as follows:
Tuesday 28th January 2025 – Applications open for students commencing Year 7 in 2026.
Friday 15th August 2025 – Applications close.
Friday 17th October 2025 – Offers posted to prospective Year 7 applicants.
Friday 7th November 2025 – Final date for parents/carers to accept an offer made by a school.
Parents of Year 5 students in 2025, please diarise these dates so you don’t miss out.
Steve Evans